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奈妲被逗乐了。Naida was delighted.

很高兴认识你。Delighted to meet you.

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赵文王兴致更高了。The king was more delighted.

很多马里人还是感到高兴。But many Malians are delighted.

我们听了他的演说感到欢跃。We were delighted to his speech.

你使我们开心得够久啦。You have delighted us long enough.

久仰,很高兴终于与你见面了。I am delighted to meet you at last!

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马戏团表演使每个人欣喜。The circus show delighted everyone.

如果你能来,我们将倍感荣幸。We'd be delighted if you could come.

他非但没生气,反而很高兴。Far from being angry, he is delighted.

如果您能帮助我,少儿英语我很高兴。I'd be delighted lf you could help me.

蟾蜍欣然接受了这个建议。Toad was delighted with the suggestion.

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我们高兴地收到了你的礼物。We were delighted to receive your gifts.

乡绅和李甫西大夫都非常高兴。The squire and Dr Llvesey were delighted.

哈瑞拉狗尾巴取乐。Harry delighted in pulling the dog's tail.

文王一听这么厉害,高兴的不得了。Hearing this, the king was very delighted.

我们因为你的成功而欢天喜地。We’re extremely delighted at your success.

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我很为他和小红牛感到高兴。I was delighted for him and for Toro Rosso.

我很高兴地向大家介绍Alison,Boden院长。I'm delighted to welcome Dean Alison Boden.

伦尼的脸辗然露出高兴的笑容。Lennie's face broke into a delighted smile.