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波斯猫之脚。Foot of the Persian cat.

他们将有一只波斯猫。They will have a Persian cat.

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他们将不会有波斯猫。They won't have a Persian cat.

串串波斯猫多少钱?。Be how much string Persian cat?

希波战争是公元前四百九十九年爆发的Well, the Persian Wars begin in 499 B.C.

以斯帖的波斯名字是。The Persian name for Esther was Hadassah.

现实上,这是个用来暗示沥青的波斯文词语。In fact, it is the Persian word for pitch.

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恁的猫仔是美国猫或是波斯猫?Are your cats American cats or Persian Cats?

根据波斯法律,这是不合法的,要被杀头的。It was illegal according to the Persian Law.

他们墙上挂着一块波斯丝绸壁毯。They have a Persian silk rug hanging on the wall.

用飓风击沉了波斯人的船只。And batters the Persian ships with hurricane wind.

密特拉神的名字波斯语叫做“盟约”。The name Mithras was the Persian word for 'contract'.

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只憾她拈花一笑去了波斯。Only blemish she came to spend a smile to the Persian.

买一块波斯地毯放在我们的起居室里要花很多钱。Persian carpet for our sitting-room would cost a bomb.

他写博客使用的波斯文和英文,其博客已经被封号关闭。His blogs, in Persian and English, have been suspended.

我们有一只很可爱的波斯猫,一个美丽的小东西。We had a very nice Persian cat, a very beautiful thing.

公元前334年,Alexande大规模入侵波斯帝国。In 334 BC, Alexander the Great invaded the Persian Empire.

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一些考古学家说最古老的地毯源于波斯。Some archeologists say the oldest rug is of Persian origin.

伊朗的统制者必需取悦于波斯人和伊斯兰人。Iran's rulers must satisfy both its Persian and its Islamic.

“法拉瓦哈”事实上是巴拉维语,或者是中古的波斯语。The word "faravahar" actually is Pahlavi, or Middle Persian.