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钟楼上的小钟自鸣。Small steeple bells may ring.

另一颗炸弹抛在教堂的塔尖上。Another landed on the church steeple.

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现在他们已准备进行障碍赛跑。Now they're ready for the steeple chase.

我根据教堂尖塔的大钟对了表。I checked my watch against the steeple clock.

如果你需要成为教堂中的神父,有尖塔和材料。If you had to be a priest in the church with the steeple and stuff.

野心在当时完全是一种钟楼赛跑②。Ambition was at that time, in the direct acceptation of the word, a race to the steeple.

戈兰指出,“尖塔山”从书也试图摆脱某些基督教小说的说教气息。Golan said Steeple Hill was also trying to shed the preachy tone of some Christian fiction.

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我疲惫酸痛的双眼看到了艾格拉斯塔德教堂那白色的尖顶和时钟。My tired, aching eyes could see the church of Ingolstadt, with its white steeple and clock.

拉美西斯二世建造了第一院、带有雕像的大门和方尖塔。Ramesses II constructed the first courtyard, to have the statue front door and the side steeple.

大皇宫的佛塔式的尖顶直插云宵,鱼鳞状的玻璃瓦在阳光照射下,灿烂辉煌。The Royal Palace pagoda-style steeple inline Xiao Yun, 1,300 glass tile in sunlight, magnificent.

拉美西斯二世建造了第一院、带有雕像的大门和方尖塔。Ramesses II constructed the first courtyard, to have the statue front door and the side Love steeple.

只要教堂的塔尖是惟一起火的地方,那么在教堂内就可以听到着火的声音,但看不到。As long as the steeple was the only thing burning, the fire could be heard in the church, but not seen.

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修正一个使教堂中的狙击手射速增加的修正倍数。Fixed a modifier in the church steeple that was enabling snipers to fire at drastically increased rates.

在基督联合教会的白色尖顶在新罕布什尔州基恩受季节性树叶包围。The white steeple of the United Church of Christ in Keene, New Hampshire, surrounded by seasonal foliage.

我看到那个教堂的尖塔落在顶部,火花飞溅,听到那些女人绝望的哭喊求救的叫声。I saw the church steeple crashing into the roof and the sparks flying and heard the desperation of the women.

高耸入云的岩石顶部一片由绿树组成的小绿洲,就像轰动全球的3D电影«阿凡达»的现实版。Its soaring steeple of rock topped by a small oasis of trees looks straight out of the 3D blockbuster Avatar.

去年,“尖塔山”又推出了“为现代知性女人的信仰而备的轻松娱乐小说”系列。Last year, Steeple Hill launched an imprint of "hip, fun and smart fiction for modern and savvy women of faith."

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教堂的钟通常放在一个尖顶中,需要做的劳动就是要重复不停的拉绳子。A church bell usually resides in a steeple and the exercise involved has to do with repeatedly pulling on a rope.

由于安全原因,尖塔于1975年停止向公众开放,但十年后,经过安全加固的尖塔又重新对外开放。The steeple was closed to the public in 1975 for safety reasons, but re-opened 10 years later after being made safe.

在地平在线,不时可以看到一座漆着鲜艳色彩的教堂尖塔,镀金的圆顶在明亮的春日下闪闪发光。Now and again a whimsically painted steeple breaks the horizon, its gilded cupola glittering in the bright spring sun.