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她疯狂而凶猛地厮打著。She fought with crazed ferocity.

娇虎,你要更凶猛。Tigress, you need more ferocity.

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它非常凶猛地攻击猎物。It attacks its prey with great ferocity.

凶猛地攻击猎物。It attacks its prey with great ferocity.

狮子凶猛地扑向猎物。The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity.

然而,国家却以一种奇怪而凶猛的力量捍卫自己的主权。Yet states guard their sovereignty with a strange ferocity.

在战争中,他们飘逸狠辣的进攻是神族武术的典范。They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.

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这份笔供揭露了侵略者的暴行。His written confession discloses the ferocity of the invaders.

金姆突然对梅勒妮惹火了,她的凶猛甚至使梅勒妮吃了一惊。Kim turns on Melanie with such sudden ferocity that Melanie is taken aback.

他的决心和战斗部队的凶猛是毫无疑问的。The ferocity of his fighting force —and of his own resolve —is not in doubt.

巴尔干骑兵们手持长矛和狼牙棒,以作战凶残闻名于世。Armed with spear and mace, these unique troops are renowned for their ferocity.

蛇的吐舌声会凶猛的突击这个世界。The hissing of the serpent shall strike back at this world with unexpected ferocity.

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7/13河豚下颚肌肉发达,能够像鳄鱼般凶狠,“咔嚓”一声咬断长喙下的猎物。A boto's jaw muscles can snap its elongated beak down on prey with crocodilian ferocity.

狐假虎威一次,一只老虎抓住了一只狐狸,便要吃它。Fox assuming tiger's ferocity A tiger once caught a fox and desired to make a meal of it.

获奖照片抓拍到两只雄雉在春季搏斗的激烈场面。The winning photo captures the ferocity of a spring-time fight between two cock pheasants.

他像头凶残的狮子一样大吼一声,再次全身朝那人扑去。With a roar that was almost lion-like in its ferocity , he again hurled himself at the man.

坚韧类和凶暴类宠物的护甲乘数将降低,取而代之的是所有宠物的护甲基数将增加。Tenacity and Ferocity pets lost their armor multiplier but it was given to all pets at base.

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夏侯惇的凶猛稍有收敛,他调转马头走向他的主力部队。Xiahou Dun's ferocity had then somewhat abated and he turned his steed toward his main army.

本义是狐狸借着老虎的威势去吓唬别的野兽。Its original meaning is that the fox borrows the tiger's ferocity to bluster other wild animals.

希尔顿先生放开阿瑟,又抓住赫伯特,同样一本正经地恶狠狠地摇晃他。Mr. Helton dropped Arthur, and seized Herbert , and shook him with the same methodical ferocity.