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在公路上?Upon the highway?

这简直是拦路抢劫!This is highway robbery!

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他驾车沿公路向前行驶。He drives down a highway.

他沿公路高速行驶。He barreled along the highway.

湖边大道化石堆。Lakeridge Highway Fossil Bank.

那辆车从高速公路上疾驰而下。The car sped down the highway.

这公路延伸到大同。The highway reaches to Datong.

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汽车在公路上急驰。The car sped along the highway.

美国公路2雷到迈诺特。US Highway 2 from Ray to Minot.

搭上语义高速公路的便车Hitchhiking the semantic highway

轮胎在公路上嚓嚓低吟。The tires sang over the highway.

李友常常在高速公路上开车。The cars on the highway are fast.

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这块田紧靠着公路。The field adjoins to the highway.

洪水冲坏了公路。The flood washed out the highway.

暴雨冲毁了公路。The storm washed out the highway.

公路、铁路两用桥?对啊。For both highway and railway uses?

他的汽车沿公路疾驶。His car breezed along the highway.

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以横贯加拿大的1号公路北。Take Trans-Canada Highway 1 North.

以横贯加拿大的1号公路南。Take Trans-Canada Highway 1 South.

公路折向西方。The highway bent towards the west.