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基于PhP的前端。PhP based front-end.

什么是雅姿营养系列?What is Artistry? essentialsearch. php?

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PHP是一种HTML内嵌式语言。PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language.

Ullman是PHP程式设计师与网站设计师。Ullman is a PHP programmer and Web designer.

编写创建表格的PHP函数。Write a PHP function that creates the table.

现在,让我们开始看到PHP如何处理文件。Now, lets start to see how PHP handles files.

我提供PHP部分,就是页面重新美化一下。PHP part of me is the page to re-beautify it.

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ini中的参数register_globals必须关闭。Register_globals should be turned off in php.ini.

一个强大的,搜索和索引引擎,用PHP开发。A powerful search and indexing engine written in PHP.

这两个产品也都向庞大的PHP市场伸出了橄榄枝。Both products are also courting the large PHP market.

在PHP代码的一些改变,以适应我的要求。Some changes to the PHP codes to suit my requirement.

主要在三个方面使用PHP脚本。There are three main areas where PHP scripts are used.

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这是如何唤醒互联网PHP脚本的样子。This is how the Wake-on-Internet PHP script look like.

这是第二次,我意识到了PHP就在我身边。For the second time, I realized that PHP was in my life.

是编译PHP字节码hhvm到正确的解决方案?Is HHVM right solution for compiling php into bytecodes?

评价“PHP算符优先”未定义的顺序?PHP operator precedence "Undefined order of evaluation"?

需要一个PHP脚本来从一个投标招标网项目。Need a PHP script to bid on items from a bidding website.

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前缀和数组键名之间会自动加上一个下划线。The user points out that php adds a '_' to your prefixes.

设定一台Rails伺服器比起PHP是复杂许多。Setting up a Rails server can be more complex than for PHP.

这是PHP最传统和最主要的目的。This is the most traditional and main target field for PHP.