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这个证据足以证明Packer有罪。This evidence would convict Packer.

Packer朝他的腹部开了两枪。Packer shot him twice in the stomach.

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史蒂芬是个极易出汗的基佬。Stephen is a hot, sweaty corn packer.

Packer被称为卡罗拉多的食人者。Packer is called the cannibal of Colorado.

加壳程序的制作是最困难的部分。The packer application does all the hard work.

“玉米包装工就是爱荷华同性恋者的贬义称呼。”"Corn packer is a derogatory term for a gay Iowan.

但Packer身上藏着的这些死人的财产被发现了。But possessions of the dead men were found on Packer.

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甚至格林湾包装者队的橄榄球迷都不会忍受这么坏的天气。Even Green Bay Packer football fans don't have it this bad.

诺尔玛·琼斯在当地一家化工厂当打包工。Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory.

帕克是一名美国金矿勘探者及食人犯。Packer was an American gold prospector and convicted cannibal.

供货商是否还要把蜜枣送到包装商那儿去包装?。Do they have to send the dates to a specialist packer for packing?

这样,壳在加壳时候仅仅需要处理这个结构就可以了。Thus there is only one object the packer has to locate at pack time.

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它的目标读者群是年轻的个人旅行者或背包族。The target audience is the young independent traveller or back packer.

是明尼苏达州的肉类包装商乔治荷美尔对他的员工提出的建议。That was Minnesota meat packer George Hormel's advice to his employees.

该封隔器也特别适宜于负压井测试。The packer is also specially suitable for tests in underbalanced wells.

由于对这一推断感到好奇,帕克尔和普拉姆岛动物疾病中心的科学家取得了联系。Curious about the implications, Packer contacted the scientists at PIADC.

阿封隔器是一种工具,压缩,加密或含糊其辞的可执行文件。A packer is a tool that compresses, encrypts or obfuscates executable files.

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聚乙烯自动打包机用于纸盒,纸箱彩色印刷公司。PE Packer is used for paper box, paper case, color printing corporation, etc.

市面上已经有这么多的加壳工具可供选择为什么还要自己写呢?Why write your own packer when there are so many existing ones to choose from?

在这个部分里我会描述关于制作加壳工具的质量问题。In this installment I will cover the qualitative aspects of producing a packer.