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所以,解脱的结果,只能是虚无。Therefore, the result of extrication is only nihility.

这也许是因为非宗教即是尘世,而我很不幸地信仰虚无。It may be the metaphor of that the unreligious is mortal , but I believe in nihility fatally.

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当人类的足迹远离了土地的时候,精神境界内的虚无与不洁也随之产生。When human footprints from the land of the spirit realm, the nihility and unclean is produced.

高校核心价值教育实效性不强的原因主要是存在着泛政治化、理想化与虚无化的问题。The ineffectiveness of the education is mainly caused by the over- politicization , idealization and nihility.

已经是过往云烟,即便拾起来也不过是虚无,即使放不下也不会留住。Was already the passing mist, even if ascends is also the nihility , even if will not be able to lay down will not detain.

受此殊荣,得益于作者在作品中传达了东方式的虚无关,以及作品对此的唯美建构。The special honor contributed much to the presentation of oriental nihility beauty and its aesthetic construction in his work.

谢晋的电影没有一部是图解历史,沉湎于风花秋月,或传递虚无的价值观。Xie Jin's movie one has not been the graphic solution history, succumbs to the wind flower harvest moon, or transmission nihility values.

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这个具有宗教使命的“非宗教画家”,其内心颤动的音符至此嘎然停顿,如一记当头棒喝后的宁静与虚无。Then the inner vibrating notes suddenly suspend in the missioned " unreligious artist", like the tranquility and nihility after a severe blow.

作品的核心是淡定的美学追求,充满着纯净、空灵、忧郁的色调,集中展示了一种东方式的空虚美。The work focuses on the placid aesthetic pursuit. It is full of purity, ethereality and melancholy, mainly exhibits a kind of oriental nihility beauty.

“圣教同源”与“关门见喜”也是他误解古人和民族虚无思想的充分表露。"The saints teachings from the same source" and"close the door to boast" also shows well his misunderstanding to the ancients, the national nihility thought.

原因何在呢?本文试图从路遥小说的精神特征这个角度来切入研究,从而进一步认识路遥小说创作的价值和意义。This article focuses on the spiritual character of wang anyi s novels, of which the author thinks nihility and the struggle against nihility are the most fundermental.

这种算法采用“虚点”概念,按照一定的规则用“小球跳跃法”简单而有效地实现了三维场域边界的三角形离散。By introducing the concept of"nihility point"and the method of"spherule bounding" in the algorithm, we have simply and effectively realized boundary discretization in 3-D space.

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“后羿”的形象中蕴涵着鲁迅灵魂深处的一种浓厚的虚无感和自卑感,而“黑衣人”则代表着他决绝地向黑暗势力复仇的坚强意志。He exposed his soul, despair and struggle. "Houyi" and "Shadow Man" represented his contradiction extreme, with one of them nihility and inferiority and the other vindictiveness.

具体表现在迷惘感、隔膜感、厌倦感以及人与环境关系上,通过分析这些方面可以加深对毛姆创作思想和艺术观念的理解。The article probes into major characteristics of his nihility idea, that is the sense of disillusionment estrangement, weariness and the relationship between men and environment.

将个体的存在纳入“时间性”中加以考察,并强调存在的有限性,主张让存在回归意义以克服存在之虚无。Integrates "timeliness" the individual existence to perform to inspect, And emphasized the existence finiteness, advocated lets the existence return significance overcome nihility of the existence.