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我耸耸肩。I shrug.

经典的单肩耸动。Classic one-sided shrug.

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但是他只是耸耸肩。But all he did was shrug.

她耸了耸肩膀。She gave a shrug of her shoulders.

最重要的是,摆脱任何可能性。Most importantly, shrug off any ‘shoulds’.

她又轻轻耸动下肩,几乎察觉不到动作。She repeated the almost imperceptible shrug.

一天我母亲问她知不知道她的生日快到了,她耸耸肩,问知不知道她即将多少岁,依然是耸肩,那时候她已经快九十九岁了。“Do you know how old you’ll be?” Another shrug.

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她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.

当有人问我这个问题时,我就是耸耸肩,笑下。When someone asks me this I just shrug and smile.

柯拉丽耸了耸丰满的肩膀,大叫起来。Coralie cried, with a shrug of her robust shoulders.

他耸耸肩表示对那房间的住户不屑一顾。He shrug his low opinion of the occupant of the room.

我望向米歇尔,她微笑着耸耸肩。I looked at Michelle, who smiled and offered a shrug.

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我想甩开她的手,可是被她抓的牢牢的。I tried to shrug away from her, but her grasp was tight.

也许一些人可能喜欢把它简单地当作自负而摈弃。Maybe some people might like to shrug it off as mere ego.

然而,大多数人的反应都是不以为意。Mostly, however, the reaction has been a shrug of the shoulders.

她又微微耸耸肩,“他是典型的男人,最诚实不过了。”She repeated the almost imperceptible shrug. “He’s a typical man.

对于这些疑问,老一代人确实不予附合。These are not questions the old generations can shrug off lightly.

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你不屑于认为你的作品会为后人留下一笔艺术财富。You shrug off the notion that your work leaves an artistic legacy.

希腊官员曾经将逃漏税看做一场“全民运动”,对其并不重视。Greek officials used to shrug off tax evasion as "a national sport".

经常的,我们仅仅是耸耸肩然后说生活本来就是这样的。Oftentimes, we’ll just shrug it off and say that life got in the way.