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有些是有毒的。Some is toxic.

对土壤生物有毒。Toxic to soil organisms.

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氯气有毒。Chlorine gas, toxic to humans.

不能简单的说有毒没毒。Can't simply toxic didn't poison.

金属钠有毒性。Metallic sodium is toxic to humans.

Pandoran空气对地球人而言是有毒的。Pandoran air is toxic to Earthlings.

皮肤接触时有剧毒。R27 Very toxic in contact with skin.

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炉火、有毒的烟雾——想都别想!The fire, the toxic fumes—forget it!

从有毒玩具到有害睡衣。From toxic toys to noxious nightwear.

会造成有毒的煤尘暴。The result is toxic coal-dust storms.

有毒的汽体是非常地危险的。The toxic gas is extremely dangerous.

感谢「毒软件」的庄·韦特提供这一信息。Thanks to Jon Wight of Toxic Software.

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遇水释放有毒气体。Contact with water liberates toxic gas.

有大雾,我知道那是有毒的。There was smog, which I knew was toxic.

重金属,氰化物和有毒有机物。Heavy metals, cyanide, and toxic organics.

与酸接触释放极高毒性气体。Contact with acid liberates very toxic gas.

氰化物对生物有机体有剧毒。Cyanide is highly toxic to living organism.

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他们没有发现DDT特别有毒。DDT was not found to be particularly toxic.

有毒气体危害人们健康。The toxic gases do harn to people's health.

再加上,铜酸盐往往很毒。Added to this, cuprates are often very toxic.