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他是一个好教子。He is a good godson.

他在肩膀上轻拍着他的教子。He patted his godson on the shoulder.

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他确实想好好履行作为教子的职责。He really wants to fulfil his role as godson properly.

一会儿,他仔细想他多么爱这个教子。For a moment he reflected on how much he loved this godson.

你一直是一个好教子,你给了我所有的尊重。You've been a fine godson , you've given me all the respect.

那么你,教子,你现在,你就没有足够的天分。And you, godson , you now, you just don't have talent enough.

但是海洋生物学家说,劳干儿子,这是他的梦想。But marine biologist Lloyd Godson says it's been a dream of his.

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最新一代的Godson芯片拥有一些先进的技术。The latest Godson chips will also have a number of advanced features.

盖德纳先生想要送他的教子一份代表他出生年份的受洗礼物。Gardner wanted to get a baptism gift that marked the year his godson was born.

冯说儿子睡在“自然生态环境”是最大的挑战。Mr Godson said sleeping in the "unnatural environment" would be his biggest challenge.

加上比3B多出来8个核,龙芯3C有可能比3B快四倍以上。With its eight additional cores, this should make the 3C about four times as fast as the Godson 3B.

劳埃德是在大学当干儿子,他自己用铁链在壁橱内底部设有游泳池。WHEN Lloyd Godson was at university he had himself chained inside a cupboard at the bottom of a swimming pool.

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本文的工作在基于龙芯处理器的实时PGC数字解调系统中得到应用。The research improvements have been applied on the Godson Processor-based Real-time PGC Digital Demodulation System.

龙芯3B/2H将于2011商业化,3C则要等到2012之后。The Godson 3B will be commercially available in 2011, as will the Godson 2H, but the Godson 3C won't debut until 2012.

龙芯的诞生对于中国的CPU核心技术,国家安全,甚至经济的发展都有着举足轻重的作用。It is significant that Godson is born for the CPU core technology, the security of nation and the development of economy.

玛莉和多乐在家看电视爱情剧,乘机教子不可乱拍拖,若果拣错对象,随时会后悔莫及。Mary and much joy at home watching TV drama, love to his godson not dating, if picked the wrong object, at any time will regret.

如果龙芯3B可以在2011年的超级计算机中亮相,将会是中国上百亿打造本土CPU努力的重要里程碑。If the Godson 3B shows up in a supercomputer by 2011, it will be an important milestone in China's billion-dollar effort to cultivate a homegrown CPU.

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因为老七平常喊水保都喊“干爹”,这干爹第一次认识了女婿,不必挽留,再说了几句,不到一会儿,两人皆爬进舱中了。"Godfather", he felt no need to stand on ceremony with this "godson" he had met for the first tame. After a few more remarks, the two of them presently went into the cabin.

龙芯项目的负责人胡伟武在一封邮件里说,原定于2010年下半年前完成的曙光6000超级计算机将跳票到2011年,改用龙芯3B处理器。Hu, lead architect of the Godson project, said via e-mail that China's Dawning 6000 supercomputer, originally slated for completion in mid-2010, will instead debut in 2011, using the Godson 3B.