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关于这个节日的起源有很多种说法。Legends about the origin of this festivity abound.

万千的喜气多热闹,吉祥的日子要来到。Thousands of festivity more lively, auspicious day to come.

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四喜丸子,代表团圆和喜庆。Four meat balls, standing for the festivity and family union.

美国和欧洲都视10月31日为阴森的节庆。This eerie festivity is observed in America and Europe on October 31.

在中国这个节日也是要庆祝的,但只有一天。It is also celebrated in China, but only alloted a single day for festivity.

他们载歌载舞,夹杂著胜利的欢呼把木马拉进城�,这一天以欢庆盛宴结束。This was done with songs and triumphal acclamations and the day closed with festivity.

这里还有许多想趁着这个节日挣点外快的街头小贩。There were also lots of street vendors trying to make some extra money during this festivity.

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中秋节是汉族和一些少数民族的传统庆典。Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and some ethnic nationalities.

你可以计划去一个特别的庆典,或者你可以和你喜欢的人一起度假。You may plan to go to a special festivity , or you may even be on vacation with someone you love.

然后人们开始装饰他们的洁净室一种欢乐的气氛和欢乐。Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity.

然后人们开始装饰干净的房间,营造喜庆和欢乐的节日氛围。Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity.

要是她的左邻右舍准备办任何小的喜庆事,她总是巴不得参与其事。She is always eager to have a finger in the pie if her neighbours are planning any little festivity.

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传统地,蒙古国人民在那达慕节要聚集欢宴几天。The Nadam Festival is a traditional occasion for Mongols to get together for a few days of festivity.

后来,人们增加了由红枣、栗子和肉做成的糕给这个节日增加更多的欢庆气氛。And later a special cake with dates, chestnuts and meat was made to add more festivity to the special day.

然后又吃了一个特殊的蛋糕、栗子和肉来使这特殊的一天增加更多的节日气氛。And later a special cake with dates, chestnuts and meat was made to add more festivity to the special day.

他用同样的笑容和欢愉的方式,就向餐后递给我们一杯格拉巴酒一样的方式讲述了这个故事。He had offered it with the same smile and festivity with which he had offered us a glass of grappa after dinner.

不久就很容易可以发现几乎每个节庆都会食用鲱鱼、马鈴薯、和香甜酒。It quickly became apparent that the herring, potatoes, and schnapps were consumed at just about every festivity.

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节目主题包括城堡风情,魅力城镇,心灵探索,绝尘美岛,洞窟石刻,千万别错过!These themes include Castle Country, Festivity Fiesta, Old Town Charm, Caves and Island Exotica . Don't miss them!

因此,这个直接地涉及到了安全的目标问题以及安全的个人问题。So, this directly relates to the objective question of Security as well as to the subjective question of Festivity.

庆贺玉帝诞辰的活动象征着过年的庆典接近尾声。The celebration of the Jade Emperor’s heavenly birthday has always signaled the winding-down of New Year festivity.