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尼尔森把这个过程叫做“电子共生”。Nielsen calls the process "electrical symbiosis".

地衣是一类菌和藻的共生植物。Lichens is a kind of fungus and algae symbiosis plant.

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红茶菌是一种由醋酸菌和酵母菌共生发酵得到一种共生体。Kombucha is a kind of symbiosis with yeast and acetic acid bacterium.

微生物可以在相当远的距离上'电子共生'。Micro-organisms can live in electric symbiosis across great distances.

在政治方面,人的经济共生体的发展对国家、民族形成了强大的瓦解力量。In the aspect of politics, human symbiosis has the function to break up nation and race.

春兰与丝核菌共生菌根及结构研究。Ultra-structure of symbiosis mycorrhizal between cymbidium goeringii and rhizoctonia sp.

春兰与丝核菌共生菌根及结构研究。Ultra-structure of symbiosis mycorrhiza l between cymbidium goeringii and rhizoctonia sp.

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因此,没错,中美关系是一种竞争关系,但同时也是一种形式的共生关系。So the Chinese-American relationship is a rivalry, yes, but it’s also a form of symbiosis.

技术联盟是一个典型的利益共生体,实现互惠共生是共生体的最终努力方向。Technology alliance is a typical symbiosis of interests whose aim is to realize mutualism.

你的思维是一项非常有趣的工具,思维与你身体的感觉互相影响。Your mind is an interesting tool and lives in symbiosis with the sensations from your body.

工业共生网络是生态工业园建设过程中的核心内容。Industrial symbiosis network is the key point of the establishment of the eco-industry Park.

自然、城市、人类融为有机整体,形成互惠共生结构。The nature, city, mankind become an organic whole, forming the structure of mutualistic symbiosis.

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区域土地资源可持续利用的基本内涵是谋求人与地的和谐共生。As its basic intention, the regional land resource use seeks man-nature harmonization and symbiosis.

当然,如果品牌的植入能够符合电视节目的主题,这种利益共生的关系会更加显著。Of course, the symbiosis works even better when the brand being placed complements the show's theme.

而与赤杨共生的微生物是放线菌。The microorganisms involved in symbiosis with the alder tree are actinomycetes of the genus Frankia.

而这种融资链在本质上是一种以大中小型企业“共生”为特征的融资模式。In its nature, fund circulating chain is a kind of credit model that has a character-enterprise symbiosis.

最后指出兖矿集团生态工业共生的总体思路和发展方向。At last, the chief idea and developing direction of eeo-industrial symbiosis in Yanzhou group are discussed.

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文学中的共生现象是指较后问世的作品对早先存在的作品的重述或重新解释。Literary symbiosis is defined as an explicit retelling or reinterpreting by a later text of an earlier work.

这种互相证实的方法,对于如何使哲学与经验心理学更有效地互动亦是很好的参考例子。This symbiosis is an instructive example of how philosophy and empirical psychology can fruitfully interact.

由于小丑鱼与有毒性的海葵共生,有此保护伞,活捉困难度高。Clownfish live in symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones, which protect them and make them difficult to catch.