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她的脸是臃肿和拘谨。Her face is bloated and squarish.

乌鸦停在浮尸上面。Crows perch on bloated corpses floating by.

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从河里捞起一具被水浸胀了的尸体。The bloated corpse was taken from the river.

许多远洋船只在这条运河上航行。There is a bloated body floating in the canal.

其次,许多应用和服务给人的感觉有些虚张声势,令人意兴阑珊。Applications and services feel bloated and uninspiring.

他吃了大量的脂肪性或油腻的食物后感到饱胀吗?Does he feel bloated after a heavy fatty, or greasy meal ?

巨大成功使她得意忘形到惊人的地步。The great success has bloated her ego to an alarming degree.

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晚期可有肝肿大、黄疸、浮肿、腹水。Terminal can have hepatomegaly , icteric , bloated , ascites.

就是觉得不想吃东西,感觉胃胀,而且还吐酸水。I have no appetite and feel bloated. Also, I spit acid saliva.

他脸色灰白的像一只扁虱,一边跑一边用一只手抵住肋骨。He was bloated and gray as a gorged tick, his skin tinted green.

第一个太像虫子,看起来像肥胖的白蚁蚁后。The first was too worm-like, looking like a bloated queen termite.

刻托的身体慢慢变得臃肿,可四肢依旧枯瘦。Keto's body slowly becomes bloated. Her limbs however stay emaciated.

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而共和党人加强了他们对此方案的臃肿和误导的攻击。And Republicans stepped up their attack on the plan as bloated and misdirected.

福图纳经常向其肥硕的主人送礼,谄媚他。Fortuna often curried favor with his bloated master by presenting him with gifts.

他们穿寿衣,但往往被臃肿和红润或暗的脸上描述。They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance.

如果膨胀的官僚主义能得到遏制,那么洛川的财政状况会有更好的表现。Luochuan's finances would work far better if it cut its bloated bureaucracy. It is trying.

说到国有媒体,冗员是个挑战。When it comes to the state-controlled media, one challenge is their bloated bureaucracies.

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所有虚涨的价格就会立即下跌到一个通常可以持续的水平。All bloated prices would have immediately crash-dived down to some normal sustainable level.

我以前用过小苏打治胃疼,可这次我主要是胃胀。I used baking soda before to kill stomachache, but this time I just feel my stomach bloated.

它机构冗杂,军官要员放任自满,靠穆巴拉克的资助供养已经脑满肠肥。It is bloated and its officer core is indulged, having been fattened on Mubarak's patronage.