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我命令我的潜艇潜航。I ordered the submarine to snorkel.

那么,现代潜艇到底有多牛?How effective is the modern submarine?

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好的,我进到潜艇里了!Allright, I entered the submarine inside!

这艘潜艇是由核动力驱动的。The submarine is driven by nuclear power.

干的船坞和一个潜艇模型。The dry dock and a model of the submarine.

潜水艇潜入水中以躲避敌船。The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.

一艘潜水艇无声地在水中滑行。A submarine glided silently through the water.

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它实在像是潜水艇里的残羹剩饭。It was like eating leftovers from a submarine.

协同攻击敌人护航船的潜艇群。The enemy submarine was detected and destroyed.

现在我们来到了海底草庐。Now we arrive at the Submarine Thatched Hut. Look!

潜艇潜入海底观察洋底。The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.

确认有潜水舰的导弹发射!AWACS Thunderhead Submarine missile launch confirmed!

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在黄色潜水艇,天是湛蓝的,水是盛绿的!Sky id blue and sea is green in our yellow submarine.

项目613的柴油潜艇模型。The model of the diesel submarine of the project 613.

潜艇固若金汤,海上攻击打不倒。The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.

而且一艘美国海军服务船和一艘美国潜艇相撞。And a U.S. Navy server ship collided with a submarine.

在黄色潜水艇里我们乘风破浪。And we live beneath the waves in our yellow submarine.

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第三则是关于建造海底电缆隧道。The third one was about building submarine cable tunnel.

一有危险迹象,潜艇就会潜入水中。At the first sign of danger the submarine would submerge.

那个潜艇艇长有个类似于潜望镜之类的东西。The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing.