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当然,真正的新闻将在CERN事实上发现些什么的时候出现。The real news, of course, will come when CERN actually finds something.

他们测量位于CERN源的质子的时间分布。They measure the time distribution of the protons at the source, in CERN.

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该现象是瑞士欧洲核子研究委员会和意大利的巨岩发现的。The finding was made by researchers at Cern in Switzerland and Gran Sasso in Italy.

一名CERN的技术员正在检查引起问题的电气故障部位。A CERN technician inspects the site of the electrical fault that caused the problems.

从2000年开始,CERN的反质子减速器就在进行这样的减速过程。Since 2000 this deceleration has been carried out by the Antiproton Decelerator at CERN.

格朗萨索实验室测到的中微子来自欧洲核子研究中心的质子粒子束。The neutrinos that emerge at Gran Sasso start off as a beam of proton particles at Cern.

该图集在CERN控制中心是整洁的外观与物理学相适应的作品。The exterior of the Atlas control center at CERN is spruced up with physics-appropriate artwork.

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全球信息网由伯纳斯-李和他在欧洲核子研究组织的同僚创造出来,并在1991年引进全世界。Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN and introduced to the world in 1991.

比如说,当红线在CERN被测量的时候,所有的质子都被包含在了时间剖面里。For example, at CERN where the red line is measured, all the protons are included in the time profile.

他认为MINOS设施的升级,可以提供一个更精确的测量,在欧洲核子研究中心结果。He believes the MINOS facility, with an upgrade, can provide a more precise measure of the CERN results.

我们的一些横幅警告你我们能在欧洲核子研究委员会用大型强子碰撞性加速装置制造一个迷你黑洞。Some of our banners will warn you that we can make mini black holes at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern.

自然界中没有反物质的存在,没人还没有人可以理解这其中的原因。"For reasons that no-one yet understands, nature ruled out antimatter, " CERN physicist Jeffrey Hangst said.

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如果中微子以从欧洲核子研究中心测到OPERA的速度行驶,它们应该在1982年就能抵达地球。If the neutrinos were travelling as fast as those going from CERN to OPERA, they should have arrived in 1982.

LHC实验产生的数据将分布到全世界,同时在CERN用磁带保有一份主备份。Data from the LHC experiments is distributed around the globe, with a primary backup recorded on tape at CERN.

他们做了一个实验从CERN实验室发送了一束微中子到意大利的意大利格朗萨索实验室。They carried out an experiment that fired a beam of neutrinos from CERN to Italy's INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory.

当欧洲原子核研究组织创造了W和Z波色子时,它就是通过分裂轻得多的电子和正电子这么做的,这种分裂一点也不紊乱。When CERN created W and Z, it did so by smashing much lighter electrons and positrons, which is far less messy.

OPERA团队回应说,他们正确地使用了GPS来同步在欧洲核子研究中心和格兰萨索两地的时钟。The OPERA team responded that they had correctly used the GPS to synchronize their clocks at CERN and Gran Sasso.

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CERN还宣称,测试结果与以往测试的结果一致,“排除了一个潜在的系统错误源。”The results matched those from the previous test, "ruling out one potential source of systematic error," said CERN.

罗瑟这些天参观了CERN实验室,最终引发了寻找希格斯粒子取得进展的公告宣布。Roser visited the CERN laboratories in the days leading up to the announcement of progress in the search for the Higgs.

欧洲核子研究中心兼加州理工学院的物理学家玛莉亚·丝波罗普鲁认为该研究结果“不仅令人印象深刻,而且令人感到费解。”Maria Spiropulu of CERN and the California Institute of Technology called the results “very impressive and inexplicable.”