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疟蚊传播疟疾。Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria.

中华按蚊是主要传播媒介。Anopheles sinensis is the main vehicle of transmission.

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解剖中华按蚊5771只,未发现幼丝虫。No natural filarial infection was found in 5771 Anopheles sinensis.

非洲按蚊通过我们呼出的高密度的二氧化碳找到我们。African Anopheles mosquitoes find us by our carbon dioxide–rich exhalation.

疟疾由雌性疟蚊传播,是穷人的疾病。Carried by the female anopheles mosquito, malaria is a disease of the poor.

世界各地,约有20种按蚊在当地繁衍成灾。About 20 different Anopheles species are locally important around the world.

疟疾仅通过按蚊叮咬传播。Malaria is transmitted exclusively through the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes.

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研究人员通过2500只生活在非洲西部的冈比亚按蚊验证了他们的理论。They tested their theory on 2, 500 Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes in West Africa.

目的探讨中华按蚊种群动态变化规律与应用范畴。Objective To observe the fluctuation of population dynamics of Anopheles sinensis.

应用这些工具进行了自然界中华按蚊种群生命表的研究。These tools were used to do study on life table of natural population of Anopheles sinensis.

酒为傣族人民所嗜爱,嚼槟榔的习惯也很普遍。Dai wine for the people of the Anopheles love, the habit of chewing betel nut are also common.

中华按蚊、伪杂鳞库蚊和三带喙库蚊为优势蚊种。Anopheles Sinensis, Culex Pseu-dovishnui and C. tritaeniorhynchus were the main species of mosquitoes.

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目的观察拜虫杀对中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊的毒杀效果。ObjectiveTo observe the effectiveness of Responsar against Anopheles sinensis and Anopheles anthropophagus.

目的对实验室选育的嗜人按蚊抗溴氰菊酯品系进行抗性遗传特性分析。Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of deltamethrin resistant strain of Anopheles anthropophagus.

目的克隆及分析与先天免疫相关的大劣按蚊差异基因。Objective To clone and analyze the innate immunity-associated genes differentially expressed in Anopheles dirus.

目的调查惠州市柏岗村牛房各按蚊数量及种类分布。Objective To investigate the anopheles species and their population in cowshed in Bogang village of Huizhou city.

当一只雌性疟蚊在吸食人血的时候,就像通过皮下注射传播疟疾病毒。A female Anopheles mosquito acts as a deadly hypodermic, injecting the malaria parasite when she feeds on human blood.

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在感染了的雌疟蚊的唾液里,含有大量叫作子孢子的疟原虫。An infected female Anopheles mosquito's saliva contains great numbers of the form of the parasite known as the sporozoite.

疟疾由疟原虫引起,这种原虫在人体内繁殖,并通过雌性按蚊传播。Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites which thrie in humans and are passed between them by female Anopheles mosquitoes.

目的借助气象、环境与遥感监测指标建立微小按蚊密度评价模型。Objective To establish Anopheles minimus density evaluation model based on climate, environmental and remote sensing data.