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可那确是番红花。But there was the crocus.

番红花是春天来临的前兆。The crocus is a herald of spring.

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你脖子上的莳萝和番红花crocus twined around your young neck

这株粉色番红花只开了一天。The pink crocus bloomed for only a day.

就在那里,一株勇敢的粉红色的番红花在风中摇曳。And there, bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus.

藏红花粉来源于番红花的三个花柱和花蕊。Saffron is the three stigmas and style of the crocus flower.

因为天气寒冷,今年藏红花开得晚。The crocus come out late this year because of the cold weather.

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这正是初春的时候,番红花和雪形花正在盛开。It was in the early spring, when the crocus and the snowdrop were in full bloom.

西红花膏治疗急性软组织损伤的实验研究。Experimental study of acute soft tissue injury treated with Crocus sativus cream.

西红花柱头状物再生条件的优化。Optimization on Regeneration Conditions of Style-stigma-like Structure in Crocus sativus L.

在郁金香之后其次受欢迎的是水仙花、唐菖蒲、百合和番红花。The tulip is followed in popularity by the daffodil, the gladiolus, the lily and the crocus.

目前,藏红花球茎腐烂病造成了较大的危害,成为种植方面的首要病害。At present, the stem rot disease of Crocus sativus has become a serious disease for its damage.

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伯莎注意到那逐渐变长的白天,注意到那些从地面冒出的五彩缤纷的藏红花和那些雪花莲属植物。Bertha watched the lengthening days, the coloured crocus spring from the ground, the snowdrops.

‘如果你变成小花,’妈妈说,‘我就要变成园丁,我还是会找到你’If you become a crocus in a hidden garden, 'said his mother, 'I will be a gardener, and I will find you.

小番就是番值一两番的番种,很多人都会轻视这些看起来没用的番种。Little is a one or two time of Annona species, many people will despise these seem useless crocus species.

我们的研究为番红花资源的开发利用提供了新的思路和前景。The present study provided new ideas and prospects for the application and development of Crocus sativus L.

于是把他变成了美丽的藏红花,以对他那不求回报的爱情表示敬意。The Gods pitied poor Crocus and transformed him into the beautiful crocus flower, in honor of his unrequited love.

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秋水仙碱是从秋番红花,可用于慢性背部由椎间盘突出引起的疼痛有帮助得出的补救措施。Colchicine is a remedy derived from autumn crocus that may be helpful for chronic back pain caused by herniated discs.

坚持不懈,勇往直前,光明就快来临。这朵粉红色的番红花只开了一天。但却为我坚定了一生的信念。Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day. But it built my faith for a lifetime.

藏红花提取液在高眼压早期能有效提高慢性高眼压下视网膜中SOD活性,降低MDA含量。Crocus sativus can effectively enhance the activity of SOD and reduce the content of MDA in retina in early period of OHT.