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我白勺包被偷了。I had my bag stolen.

他的大衣被偷了。His coat had been stolen.

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你偷了我的心。You have stolen My heart.

但它昨天就被盗了。But it was stolen yesterday.

偷我菜的都是小猪,呵呵!My food is stolen pig, Ha ha!

偷来的快乐最甜。Stolen pleasure are sweetest.

你都在哪里偷过东西?Where have you stolen things?

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我所有的行李都被偷了。All of my baggage were stolen.

他的车子昨天夜里被窃了。His car was stolen last night.

在公车上被偷了。His phone was stolen on a bus.

我的钱包在赶集时被人偷走了。My purse was stolen in the fair.

我想是有人从我袋子里偷走。I think it is stolen from my bag.

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我的自行车几天前被头偷了。My bike got stolen the other day.

那男孩开着一辆偷来的汽车溜掉了。The boy made off in a stolen car.

我的钱全被偷了。The whole of my money was stolen.

他的文章完全是抄袭。His article was completely stolen.

我在巴士上钱包被偷了。I had the purse stolen in the bus.

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我也没有偷过汽车。I have never stolen an automobile.

他们甚至盗去了木乃伊。They have even stolen the mummies.

他就是汽车被窃的人。He is the man whose car was stolen.