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精疲力竭的魏特琳设法安置她们。An exhausted Vautrin tried to accomodate them all.

这辆小客车能轻松地坐下12个人。This minibus can accomodate 12 persons without any difficulty.

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裤耳的位置也便于佩挂臀部手枪套。The belt loops are also located to accomodate placement of a hip holster.

它有齐传统酒店房间的一切设施,并可容纳6人。It can accomodate 6 people and has all the amenities of a conventional hotel room.

在PDE的特定领域内,我们试图适应这种措辞,但是目前还没有完成。In certain areas of PDE, we try to accomodate this wording, but we aren't there yet.

为了方面那些收入较低的中国球迷,现在T恤价格降至95美分。I just lowered my T-shirt prices to 95 cents to accomodate those poor Chinese farmers.

圣昆汀监狱容纳5000多名囚犯,尽管设计容纳人数是3082。San Quentin houses more than 5,000 inmates, despite being built to accomodate only 3,082.

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这有助于调整弹匣袋的张力,以便可以容纳不同大小的弹匣。This helps to adjust the tensions on the pouches so that you can accomodate different magazine sizes.

输出不可能超出高压,所以高压必须有足够高来容纳可能的波幅。The output cannot swing "above the supply" so the supply must be great enough to accomodate the expected swing.

也可以修改最终的托盘堆码,使得在一层上可以容纳更多的盒子,或者移动堆码层以获得更大的稳定性。Resulting pallets can be modified to accomodate more boxes within a layer or to shift layers to obtain greater stability.

克拉伦斯。西多夫移到右路和左路的马雷克。扬库洛夫斯基一起支援居中的皮尔洛。Clarence Seedorf switched over the right of midfield to accomodate Marek Jankulovski on the left, with Andrea Pirlo in the centre.

说到这里,我还是对那些坐惯了大靠背的人们如何适应这种无背长凳感到怀疑。All said and done, I am still wondering how people with big backsides will manage to accomodate their backsides on to one of these.

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伊恩·艾耶尔还专门与联赛委员会之中与天空电视台洽谈的有关人士,但是没有人采纳我们的建议。Ian Ayre specifically consulted with the Premier League who had some discussion with Sky, but neither were able to accomodate our position.

我们决不会因为考虑国家关系而对侵略和干涉行为姑息迁就。We will never accomodate ourselves to acts of aggression and intervention out of consideration for our relations with the power in question.

FAG单列角接触球轴承72B和73B系列有一个40度的接触角,因此它们能够提供较高的径向载荷。FAG single row angular contact ball bearings of series 72B and 73B have a contact angle of 40. They can therefore accomodate high axial loads.

从这个故事当中我知道,要使自己的思想吐故纳新,就要及时将大脑清空,如同必须清空装满了水的杯子才能容纳更多的东西一样。From this story, I know to make their thoughts, will get seasonable clear, as must empty the brain full of water glass can accomodate more things.

绘制窗口的查看端口可以让用户在固定范围内选择,并自动缩放以容纳新的点,或用固定的缩放比例自动跟踪新点。The plot window view port is user selectable as fixed range, auto-scaling to accomodate new points, or auto-tracking to follow new points with fixed scaling.

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这颗行星为了适应变形以及一些可动性改变了不少形态,但是总的来说还是宇宙大帝。Unicron's planet mode is where a lot of changes had to be made to accomodate the transformation and some play action, but overall, this is undeniably Unicron!

自从有了热媒介和冷媒介之分,这些年里情况已经有所改变,以便为了满足消费者对各种尺寸屏幕的需求,以及我们接收内容的各种分配方式。Things have changed in the years since Hot and Cool, to accomodate a wider variety of consumer screen sizes, and of distribution methods through which we receive our content.

当他们解释道这些仓储空间容量被设计来满足每年190亿零件的产能,我意识到乐高仓库不可思议的规模。When they started to explain the capacity of these storage areas, designed to accomodate the 19- B illion-piece-per-year production, I realized the unbelievable scale of all this.