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现在做一个检查。So now a sanity check.

然后我做一个检查。I then do a sanity check.

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做一个检查。So a little sanity check.

让我们做一个明智的检查。So let's do a little sanity check.

我们现在做了一个明智的检查。So I have a little sanity check now.

皒独自向前赱,让臫巳保持清醒。I walk the walk alone to keep my sanity.

但第四个弟子却始终神智清醒。But the fourth managed to keep his sanity".

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这是合法性检查,是基本条件。This is our little sanity check, the base case.

全然清明难道真的会比神智不清还糟吗?Can Sanity really be so much worse than insanity?

他们建议在审判前先开一个关于他是否精神健全的听证会。They recommended a sanity hearing prior to trial.

我理智之门的守卫,将拯救我灵魂的人。The guardian of my sanity , the one who will save my soul.

他们理智地想出几个特大方舟的设计。They came up with several designs for giant arks of sanity.

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当我的神志好似千钧悬于一发,你会了解什么是疯狂。You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread.

这样会使他们心智健全地成长,在学校表现更加优良。They will do better in school and you will keep your sanity.

这首先意味着应当恢复财政政策的理性。This means first and foremost re-establishing fiscal sanity.

再来做个测试,那么二进制中15怎样表达?So just as a little sanity check, number 15 in binary would be?

她变得如此自暴自弃,使我们担心她的神智。DESPERATE】She became so desperate that we feared for her sanity.

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在一些地方需要做那样的合法性检查,告诉你必须停止操作。I need that sanity check saying at some point, you have to stop.

不久之前,山米看来还是能够保持清醒的头脑。Until recently Sammy has seemed to be retaining his hard sanity.

对这个简单的例子我们能不能做完整性检查呢?And so can we do a little sanity check with the simple case here?