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他们就靠那干燥的土地生活。They live on the arid land.

这可能与棕钙土的长期干旱有关。This one relate to arid of brown soil.

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天堂般的爱会滋润你贫瘠的灵魂。And heavenly love will moisten your arid soul.

大沙鼠在中国的分布。Distribution of glires in arid regions of China.

没多久听众对他枯燥无味的演说就感到厌腻了。The audience soon grew tired of his arid speech.

这个地区总体上是半干旱至干旱气候。The region is semiarid to arid in overall climate.

华北地区位于干旱和半干旱地区。North China is situated in arid and semiarid regions.

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他开始适应了中东的干热气候。He began to season the arid climate in the Middle East.

三是有法不依,执法不严。And the law has not been obeyed arid fulfilled strictly.

任何一种流量仪表都有它的优点和不足。Every flowmeter has itself advantages arid disadvantages.

这里是极端干旱地区,只有适者能够生存。There are extreme arid regions where only the fittest survive.

这些树能挡住旱风,保护农田。These trees will shield off arid winds and protect the fields.

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大片土地干旱荒芜,属半沙漠,人迹罕至,渺无人烟。Vast areas are arid or semi-desert, and virtually uninhabited.

大片地区都是干旱或者半沙漠,人迹罕至,渺无人烟。Vast areas are arid or semi-desert, and virtually uninhabited.

萜类在某些干旱或半干旱气候条件下较为普遍。Terpenoids are more prevalent in some arid or semiarid climates.

下一场战役是恢复中国更干旱的地区。The next battle will be rehabilitating more arid areas of China.

新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,是典型的半干旱、干旱气候。Xinjiang lies in Eurasia inland, has typical half-arid, arid climate.

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黄花蒿可作为干旱地区收复弃耕地的先锋植物。L is taken as a plant available to live in abandoned land in arid region.

持续旱情使得本就干旱的该地区面临一场水危机。A lingering drought has pushed this already arid region to a water crisis.

对于气候干旱的甘肃省来说,昆虫病原线虫资源比较丰富。EPN resources were relatively rich for the arid climate in Gansu Province.