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且看小伙有绝招,梧桐来了金凤凰。See small trick, the Indus to golden phoenix.

梧桐叶上三更雨,叶叶声声是别离。Indus three leaves, rain, parting leaf is sound.

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一个女孩半埋在银行的梧桐河。A girl is half-buried at the bank of river Indus.

静若如此,可赏景来亦可观摩梧桐之文。Static if so, can also observe the rewards Jing Lai indus.

还是那句梧桐更兼细雨,于是数细雨,点点微凉。The Indus rain and even number, then drizzle, little cool.

我们必须马上撕毁印度河水条约。We must immediately scrap the Indus Water Treaty completly.

在1398年,他越过了梧桐河,和他的军队解雇新德里。In 1398 he crossed the Indus River, and his army sacked Delhi.

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寒日萧萧上琐窗,梧桐应恨夜来霜。The Xiao Xiao lock window, Indus evening one should hate cream.

梧桐碎梦,纵然再美好,也是虚的。Indus broken dreams, even if another beautiful, but also virtual.

梧桐叶落早,淡淡的初秋便轻易将其吹落。Indus leaves fall early, subtle early autumn will easily be blown.

印度手稿—象形文字的起源,可以回溯到公元前3300—2800年。The origins of the Indus script-like signs dates from 3300-2800 BC.

看啊,他们可爱的家,门前还长着好些梧桐树。To see, ah, their lovely home, also in front of some of the Indus tree.

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去年破坏严重的洪水突显了在印度河建造大坝的好处。Devastating floods last year highlighted the benefits of dams on the Indus.

公元前2600年,印度河流域文明碧草丛生,充满着野生动物。In 2600 BC, the Indus Valley was verdant, forested, and teeming with wildlife.

他带领军队征服印度河谷,征服欧洲的色雷斯。He led conquering armies into the Indus River valley and into Thrace in Europe.

根据地球测候站的照片,印度河西面刚刚形成了一条不通海洋的湖。Per Earth Observatory photos, an inland lake developed just west of the Indus River.

最早关于棉花的描述来自于现巴基斯坦地区的印度河谷。The earliest accounts of cotton come from the Indus River valley in modern Pakistan.

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连接印度河与附近湖泊的河网,也同样涨起洪水。A network of canals connects the Indus to the nearby lake, which also appears flooded.

在本文的第一部分,肯尼思•休伊特探讨了岩崩对印度河上游流域的影响。Opening a three-part article, Kenneth Hewitt explores the impacts in the Indus valley.

无言独上西楼,月如钩,寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋。Sai Lau alone on the silent, month, such as hooks, locks Kiyoaki lonely Indus Shen Yuan.