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不收中介费!No intermediary fees!

我找一个中间人来干涉。Let me find an intermediary to intervene.

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我通过中介找到了一份兼职。I found apart-time job through an intermediary.

合作社组织还可选择与金融中介协作。Or a group of coops may hire a financial intermediary.

监造是一种中介咨询服务。Inspection is a kind of intermediary consulting service.

中转银行是由汇款银行来选择的。The intermediary bank is selected by the remitting bank.

编译器把代码翻译成中间代码。A compiler translates the code into an intermediary form.

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做为全球性的中介机构,CSO扮演什麽样的功能?What functions does the CSO perform as a global intermediary?

我通过中介找到了一分兼职,还花了我不少中介费。It cost me a lot to find a part-time job through an intermediary.

评价仲介则是一个精神主导的组合系统。Appraise intermediary is a combined system that spirit is leading.

中介体的引入通常需要额外的设备。Introduction of an intermediary usually requires additional infrastructure.

中介机构不完善,运动员保险中介人才匮乏。So there is a lack of insurance kinds, intermediary mechanisms are imperfect.

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这位特勤担任警方与绑架案中间的协调者。The specialist acted as an intermediary between the police and the kidnapers.

康德寄希望于审美这种充当中介的调解者的作用。Kant placed hope on this aesthetic kind of mediation of making the intermediary.

每当中介体发生故障时,都应该生成错误消息。A fault message should be generated whenever a failure occurs at an intermediary.

如想要向人士请与个人直接联系,中介请勿打扰!Be like intended person contact directly with oneself please, intermediary faze !

满堂红地产的一位地产中介向记者推荐道。A full house, a real estate real estate intermediary to reporters Recommended Road.

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所有其他事件类型,如变化或中间步骤,被区别对待。All other event types, like changes or intermediary steps, are processed differently.

在这里,我开始增加一些我的中间色到我的底色上。At this point, I started adding in some of my intermediary color to the "base" color.

在这山穷水尽的时候,一位做房地产中介的朋友让他来到自己的公司。In this argument when a real estate intermediary so he went to his friend for company.