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好歹也是“发现不老泉的人”耶。Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth.

那颗行星是以它的发现者命名的。The planet was named after its discoverer.

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发现程序管理器和相关的工作流。a discoverer manager and associated workflow

回答问题引出了发现者,你为什么不试着这样做呢?The discoverer is entitled to reply, why didn't you?

他的发现者是一个森林的护卫员。It is called after his discoverer the forest-guard Baikushev.

人们将永远记住居里夫人是镭的发现者。Madame Curie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium.

发现者还享有对发现微粒的命名权!The discoverer will also have the privelage of naming the particle!

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他是农业化学的奠基人,氯仿的发现者。He was the founder of agricultural chemistry and the discoverer of chloroform.

苏格兰细菌学家、霉素发现者亚历山大·莱明爵士诞生于埃尔郡。Sir Alexander Fleming, Scottish bacteriologist and discoverer of penicillin, was born in Ayrshire.

夏威夷这个名字本身,据说源于传说中本岛屿的发现者夏威夷。娄。The name Hawaii itself is said to have come from the traditional discoverer of the islands, Hawaii Loa.

这一螺旋形的器官包括了MACULA本身,以及后来被其发现者称为“CORTI”的器官。This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called"organ of Corti" after its discoverer.

发现人有权申请领取发现证书、奖金或者其他奖励。A discoverer shall have the right to apply for and receive certificates of discovery, bonuses or other awards.

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询问案件发现人和其它知情人,查清受害人的身份和有关案情发现情况。Enquire the discoverer and other insider tofind out the identity of the victim and the condition of related case.

二十世纪初原始埃兰文字出土,它的发掘者认为两种文字为同一种语言。The discoverer of Proto-Elamite in the early 20th century was convincedthat the two scripts wrote the same language.

布罗德赫斯特是耶路撒冷希伯来大学的客座教授,他曾发现一些已知的最遥远星系。Broadhurst, a visiting professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is the discoverer of some of the most distant known galaxies.

哥伦布是出生于热那亚的著名航海家,新世界的发现者。在他的第四次航海中,他发现了中美洲。Columbus was a Genoese-born navigator and discoverer of the New World. On his fourth voyage he explored the coast of Central America.

徐星发现的恐龙数量比当代任何科学家都要多,他表示,某些恐龙拥有鸟类特征,甚至长有羽毛。Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.

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但这次,化石发现者李·伯格监督着这些骨骸被从南非小心的运到法国,用于进行两周的集中研究。But discoverer Lee Berger oversaw the careful transport of the skull and skeleton fragments from South Africa to France for a two-week intensive study.

狗流感病毒的另一位发现者、康奈尔大学兽医学院的爱德华·J·杜波维博士说,病毒“可能对狗适应得并不那么理想”。Dr. Edward J. Dubovi of the veterinary school at Cornell University, another discoverer of the virus, said it is “probably not as well adapted to dogs as it could be.”

他即刻公布了这一发现,因此他作为在医疗实用中运用的唯一的该物质的发现者在世界历史上占有一席之地。He was quick to publish his findings, thus securing a place in world history as the discoverer of what turned out to be virtually the only medical use for the substance.