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专用密封闭孔弹性氯丁橡胶。Specialized obturator foramen type of Flexible Neoprene.

右为成年人卵圆孔未闭的探查。At the right is a probe patent foramen ovale in an adult.

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MR证实右室间孔处的异质性增强肿块。MR confirms heterogeneously enhancing mass at R foramen of Monro.

偏头痛与卵圆孔未闭有什么联系?Q.What is the connection between migraine and patent foramen ovale?

卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?。Patent Foramen Ovale and Recurrent Stroke Closure is the Best Option?

卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?Patent foramen ovale and recurrent stroke closure is the best option?

所有的巨细胞瘤均位于或者临近孟氏孔。All giant cell tumors appear to be located at or near the foramen of Monro.

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目的探讨鼻骨孔的解剖基础及影像学表现。Objective To evaluate the anatomy and HRCT findings of foramen of nasal bone.

寰椎椎动脉沟环是引起颈性眩晕的原因之一。The foramen arcuale of vertebral artery of altas is one of the causes of vertigo.

它在眼窝与耳囊到枕骨大孔之间向后延伸。It extends posteriorly between the orbits and otic capsules to the foramen magnum.

目的探讨鼻骨孔的解剖基础及影像学表现。Results Foramen of nasal bone were revealed linear shadow in axial and coronal images.

在基准位置下,颏孔及下颌孔部的变形失真率最大。The largest distortion was at mental and mandible foramen regions at standard positon.

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CT与MRI在颈静脉孔区各型肿瘤鉴别诊断中有重要价值。The diagnostic significance of CT and MRI on the jugular foramen area tumors was aiscussed.

原发的颈静脉孔脑膜瘤可以有特征性的脑膜尾征并且没有流空。Primary jugular foramen meningiomas may have a characteristic dural tail and lack flow voids.

同时本文还描述了棘孔和脑膜中动脉沟。In addition, the foramen spinosum and the sulcus of arteria meningea media were also observed.

大多数卵圆孔未闭的患者不需要治疗,患者也可能并不知道自己存在这种问题。Most people with patent foramen ovale don't need treatment and don't know they have the condition.

目的探讨视神经孔位在眼外伤X线检查中的应用价值。Objective To evaluate practical value of optic foramen view in the X ray examination of eye injury.

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卵圆孔未闭会增加卒中和偏头痛的发病危险,其原理尚不清楚。Patent foramen ovale might increase your risk of stroke and migraines, but the evidence isn't clear.

④穿过颅底神经孔的条状强化影。有颅内侵犯者44例。String like enhancement passing nerve foramen in skull base. 44 cases included intracranial abnormal.

大多数病灶位于侧脑室体部或额角或邻近Monro孔。Most lesions occur in the body or frontal horns of the lateral ventricle or near the foramen of Monro.