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或有费用是自愿性的关键。Contingencies are the key to voluntariness.

为各种情况和意外事件多做准备。Prepare for multiple scenarios and contingencies.

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有另一种方法来应对这些偶然事件。there's another way to deal with these contingencies.

的确能减少社会性的偶然事件与养育环境的影响may eliminate the influence of social contingencies and upbringing

以及社会和文化的偶然事件,因此我们不能认为自己是理所应当。social and cultural contingencies for which we can claim no credit.

我想我们会在同一点停止使用所有不同的备份紧急事件。I think we ended up using all of our various backup contingencies at some point.

仔细地撰写和编辑你自己版本的嵌入式帮助、出错消息等其他意外事件。Carefully write and edit your copy for inline help, error messages and other contingencies.

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最后,对这一问题的回答将会包含一系列非常复杂的历史偶然性事故。Ultimately, the answer to that question involves a very complex series of historical contingencies.

可是有一天,当全家人高快乐兴去游览时,飞机却不测坠毁在亚马逊丛林里。But one day, when the whole family visit high happy xing, the plane crashed in the amazon jungle but contingencies.

最大允许积聚通常是由适当的准则制定的用于操作和消防应急。Maximum allowable accumulations are typically established by applicable codes for operating and fire contingencies.

未曾知晓前方等待我们的是什么,我们做好了更好的准备来迎接接下来的现实生活中的挑战。Not knowing what awaits us, we become better equipped to juggle all contingencies that may occur later in real life.

假设我们不知道,将会在怎样的经济环境中生存,而生命中又会有怎样的意外发生。Suppose we don't know what economic circumstances we'd be born into and what kind of contingencies we'd have in life.

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甚至在选择压力一样的情况下,事件次序排列和偶发事件都会产生非常不同的进化后果。Even when selective pressures are the same, evolutionary quirks and contingencies can generate quite different outcomes.

其他汽车制造商亦持类似观点,认为罢工只是干扰供应链的诸多意外情况之一。Other vehicle makers have echoed his view, saying strikes are just one of many contingencies that could disrupt supplies.

两栖作战部队所使用的船只不同于以往传统意义上的战斗船只,它们更加实用,也追求在意外情况下更灵活的应急能力。Amphibious forces, unlike traditional combat-based hulls, are utilitarian and meant to be used for a range of contingencies.

你的朋友不可能有跟银行一样多的金融资金为你提供贷款帮你应对紧急情况。Your friends likely do not have the same financial holdings as a bank that can offer loans to cover emergency contingencies.

为了分析潮流解,我们提出了一个用来确定支流参数的连续潮流工具。To analyze power flow solvability, a continuation power flow tool parameterizing branch parameters of contingencies is applied.

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一段时间之后,这些技巧烂熟于心,你可以想想如何应对各类情况,提高速度。After awhile, however, the techniques became second nature, and you were better able to plan for contingencies at higher speeds.

野台的各种意外状况,正是考验演员「腹内」有无材料的绝佳场所。Unexpected contingencies of the outdoor stage are the best circumstances for testing whether a performer really has what it takes.

公司认为从他们的变更管理解决方案中迁移必须完成下面的可能性和临时费用Companies considering migrating from their change management solution must contemplate the following possibilities and contingencies