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他是一个有着小精灵脸庞的小男孩。He is a little boy with an elfin face.

悠悠精灵舞,一枕落花香。Leisurely elfin dance, a pillow fall flowers.

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在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin &gorgeous.

卡恩斯个子很小,比小精灵高不了几英寸。Kearns is a small man, a few inches taller than elfin.

在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous.

乌黑的秀发卷绕着埃伦小巧的、小精灵似的耳朵。Ellen\'s raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears.

即使他妈的,恐怖的小精灵,是一个狮子座苔版本。Even Merde, the elfin terrorist, is a version of Leos Carax.

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喜爱赵薇的影迷观?看着她从淘气的少女成长为狡黠的喜剧演员。Doting audiences have seen Zhao grow from elfin youth to cagey comedian.

由于距离远,所以餐桌上的大吃大喝变成了无声的精灵欢宴。Distance muted the gorging and tippling at the table to an elfin conviviality.

小山、矮曲林、坑坑洼洼的山谷像月球的表面。Beautiful scenery – knolls, elfin wood, pitted valleys resembling the surface of the Moon.

艾伦的乌黑的头发在她小巧的耳朵旁卷曲,艾伦象月亮一样安静可靠。Ellen's raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears. Ellen, quiet and reliable as the moon.

实际上,她是一个迷人和有教养的女孩,带有一张美丽的奇特的尖的小精灵一样的脸和一个可爱的数字。In fact , she was a charming and cultured girl, with a beautiful curious pointed elfin face and a lovely figure.

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甚至只是去趟理发店,把一头长发变成干练短发都上了国际板头条。A simple trip to the hairdresser to cut her long golden brown hair into an elfin crop made international headlines.

哈扎拉农民默罕默德·阿克巴长着一副灰蓝色的眼睛,与之相称的是他紧裹着的包头巾和白色胡子绕腮的窄小的脸庞。Mohammed Akbar is a Hazara farmer with gray-blue eyes that match his tightly wound turban and an elfin face ringed by a white beard.

小巧的制作工艺,附加诸如天窗,空气涡流发生器、稳流器等许多功能。使得我们公司的翅片式热交换器性能更加优越。The Elfin manufacturing process also imparts the ability to incorporate many enhancements such as louvers, air turbulators and vortex generators.

这些异想天开的人与物,还有小精灵及裸女,安居在融合着天真和欲望的奇特山水中,似乎令人联想起某些神话故事。The fanciful creatures and elfin nudes who populate these bizarre landscapes blend innocence and sexuality in a way that recalls certain fairy tales.

通过对越桔—偃松矮曲林经营试验和进行松籽产量调查,进行了经营对其松籽产量影响的分析。Through the experiments of Vaccinium vitis-idaea—Pinus pumila elfin forest and investigations on pine-nut yield, the effect of management on pine-nut yield was analyzed.

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很快,人们会自带适当的设备和爱好的船舶上飞机了,那家做微型洗衣机的公司要上开始着手制作桨柄和划桨机器了。Soon people will be bringing fitness equipment and hobby craft aboard, and the company that makes the elfin washers will need to get started on looms and rowing machines.