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斯塔福郡斗牛梗是一种短毛狗。The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a smooth-coated dog.

这对情侣最初1940年在史丹福郡的一所学校里认识。The couple first met in 1940 at school in Staffordshire.

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那将会是完美的一天。It could well be 'the perfect day'. Rav Aujla, Staffordshire

“他们的皮肤变成了亮红色,”斯塔福德郡一名副巡官的报告中写道。Their skin turned a glowing red, " said the Staffordshire police inspector's report."

皮尤研究中心的老教堂,可用于购买斯塔福郡在UKAA。Can "be" used as the Pew Research Center, and the old church, to buy in Staffordshire UKAA.

品种的名字在1972年1月1日被校正了为美国斯塔福郡梗。The name of the breed was revised effective January 1, 1972 to American Staffordshire Terrier.

警方说,这「显示有些斯塔福郡牛头犬可能被用来从事犯罪」。Police said it would "suggest that some Staffordshire Bull Terriers could be used to commit crime".

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对中部斯塔福德郡看护所的调查报告公布之后,卫生部长艾伦·詹森立即向患者公开致歉。Alan Johnson, the health secretary, issued an immediate apology after report on Mid Staffordshire trust.

斯泰福厦大学将“考查”与“考试”明显的区分开来。Staffordshire University makes a distinction between "Formative Assessment" and "Summative Assessment. "

斯塔福德郡的学者们报告,三分之一的受访球迷鼓励实行这种改革。The Staffordshire academics report that a third of the polled football fans encouraged this type of reform.

斯塔福德郡的秘宝,很快就被人们所熟知并点燃了公众和研究盎格鲁撒克逊历史学者们的激情。The Staffordshire Hoard, as it was quickly dubbed, electrified the general public and Anglo-Saxon scholars alike.

美国斯塔福郡梗的标准允许在重量的一个变化,但是它应该是结构尺寸均衡的比例。The American Staffordshire Terrier's standard allows a variance in weight, but it should be in proportion to size.

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通过对斯塔福德郡窖藏的断代分析我们能够发现,在窖藏所处的时代,黄金的供应已经明显出现了不足,所以银或者是银合金已经开始作为替代品出现在了器物当中。By the date of the Staffordshire Hoard, gold supplies were dwindling, and silver and silver alloy were being used instead.

英国斯塔福德郡一所学校因为女生穿的裙子太短,下令让她们改穿裤子。Schoolgirls have been wearing such short skirts a Staffordshire school that they’ve been ordered to wear trousers instead.

伯爵把苏格兰女王带到了特伯利城堡,一座位于德贝郡和斯塔福德郡边界的古老灰塔。The Earl brought the Queen of Scots to Tutbury Castle, an ancient grey tower on the borders of Derbyshire and Staffordshire.

源自球队与所在地北斯塔福德郡制陶工业的紧密联系。A fairly straightforward nickname that originates from the large connection with the pottery industry in North Staffordshire.

由于文献方面的欠缺,斯塔福德郡的宝藏的埋藏动机也就只剩它自己了。Given the era's scant documentation, the motive behind the burial of the Staffordshire Hoard is best surmised from the hoard itself.

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接受斯塔福德郡大学研究的一位内部人是不再在英国联赛中工作的黑人主教练。One insider response to the Staffordshire University research came from a black former league manager who no longer works in the UK.

与我们的科学园,会议设施和学术活动,大家到本地斯塔福德郡经济的重要贡献。With our Science Park, conference facilities and academic activities, we make a major contribution to our local Staffordshire economy.

在2008年3月,英国斯坦福德郡议会查看了过去六个月内50名当地年轻驾驶员的车载驾驶数据记录。In March 2008, Staffordshire County Council in the UK trialled in-vehicle data recorders with 50 local teenage drivers over six months.