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大部分USP都很难得出。Most USPs are harder to come by.

总局发布紧急求援信号,国会会同意吗?USPS has issued an urgent appeal for help. Will Congress deliver?

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但是现在困扰索尼的问题是卖点完全不在他们一边。The problem for Sony now is that the sheer weight of USPs is against them.

该杂志称“有史以来美国邮政管理局一直将工会利益放在第一位。”As the magazine put it, "USPS has historically placed the interests of its unions first.

如果你已经为联邦快递,UPS,敦豪,或美国邮政然后让我知道航运脚本,我们正在寻找所有这些解决方案。If you have already made shipping script for FEDEX, UPS, DHL, OR USPS THEN LET ME KNOW, we are looking for all of these solutions.

USPS预计一些不打印多达2或3美分邮票销售的“永久邮票”和节约的财政收益。The USPS expects some financial gain from sales of the "forever stamp" and the savings from not printing as many 2-or-3-cent stamps.

美国邮政总局表示,该局将修正所有与这张邮票有关的型录资料,而且会接受这项乌龙,因此并不打算回收乌龙邮票。The USPS said it will correct the catalog information connected with the stamp and live with the error, and has no plans to issue a recall.

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该局先前发行过另外廿三种以自由女神像为主题的邮票,而且邮政官员表示,他们认为这廿三种照片都印上了本尊雕像的照片。The USPS has previously issued 23 other stamps featuring the Statue of Liberty, and officials said all of them show the actual statue — they think.

在CBCL人脸库和USPS手写数字识别的实验中,给出了该算法和SVM、SOM算法的实验对比结果,说明了该学习算法的有效性。The experiment on CBCL face database and USPS handwritten digital database presents the comparison of this algorithm with SVM and SOM, which illustrates the effectiveness of this learning algorithm.

19世纪初美国邮政使用了气动管精密系统,但伦敦使用了完全不同的方式,建立了这个小规模的铁路系统,只能用于包裹运输使用。The USPS used an elaborate system ofpneumatic tubes during the early 19th century, but London took anentirely different approach and built this scaled-down railroad systemto be used only for parcels.