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那就感恩你有工作。Be grateful you have work.

鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。The dove felt very grateful.

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我因为我的心脏感到愉快。I feel grateful for my heart.

我非常感激他们。I am extraordinarily grateful.

我对他的工作倍感谢忱。I am grateful for his service.

他对你所做的一切表示感激。He was grateful for all you did.

狂妄是自己给的,要当心。Be grateful. Conceit is self-given.

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首先,感谢您和康克迪亚大学。I am grateful to you and Concordia.

我衷心地感激你的帮助。I am heartily grateful to your help.

对于你们的大力协助,我很感激!I'm so grateful for your great help!

他似乎对她怀有无限的感激。He appeared immensely grateful to her.

我谢谢您们为我做出的捐躯。I'm grateful to you for my sacrifices.

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言语表达不了我的感激之情。Words can't express how grateful I am.

我非常感谢蒙师在我年幼时给予我的教育。I am very grateful to my first teacher.

愿神祗保佑这深明大义的孩子。May the gods bless this grateful heart!

佛兰克说他很感谢你对他的帮助。Frank said he was grateful for your help.

我很感激你对我所做的事。I'm very grateful for what you did forme.

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他们对那位老师感激万分。They felt deeply grateful to the teacher.

因此我对他的工作倍感谢忱。And so I am very grateful for his service.

我无法向你表达我是多么感激。I cannot express to you how grateful I am.