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我认出他是一名法国人。I knew him for a Frenchman.

这是我最后一次见到这样勇武的法国男子了。This was the last time I saw this valiant Frenchman.

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依我之见,我如果是法国人,可能更为成功。For all I know, I might've been better as a Frenchman.

“威尔希尔依然受伤,”这位法国人说。"Jack Wilshere is still injured, " said the Frenchman.

法国人路易斯·达盖尔拍摄了第一张月球照片。Frenchman Louis Daguerre took the first photograph of the moon.

1657年法国人在伦敦开了第一家巧克力商店。London's first chocolate shop is opened by a Frenchman in 1657.

1900年,平均每个法国人每天吃3根或3根以上的长棍面包。In 1900, the average Frenchman ate three or more baguettes a day.

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离开球场之后,法国人回忆着这个夜晚,感慨万千。As he left the stadium, the Frenchman reflected on a night to savour.

当她还是模特时,她嫁给了一个法国人,在巴黎住了几十年。Once a model, she married a Frenchman and lived in Paris for decades.

我用一个伟大法国人睿智的言辞作为给你们的临别赠言采。And with these wise words of a very great Frenchman I bid you farewell.

在电影中卢西安并没有被描绘成恶魔,而只是作为一个极为普通的法国人的形象存在。Lucien is not presented as a monster but as a fairly average Frenchman.

一个中国女孩交了个法国男朋友,他常送礼物给她。A Chinese girl falls in love with a Frenchman who always buys her gifts.

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一见到拿破仑,年轻的法国士兵两只脚跟喀嚓一声并拢,立正敬礼。At the sight of Napoleon, the young Frenchman cliched his heels together.

年青的法国人一见到拿破仑就把两只脚跟喀嚓并在一起。At the sight of Napoleon, the young Frenchman clicked his heels together.

在1700年代中期法国人重剑发展了手语。In the middle of the 1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language.

这法国人走进棺材,粗糙的脸上显示着信心。The Frenchman approached the coffin. Confidence showed on his rugged face.

就在清王朝1894年败于中日甲午战争之时,法国人H。While the Qing Dynasty was defeated in the Jiawu War 1894, the Frenchman H.

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“每家俱乐部都是各不相同的情况,”这位法国人说。"Every club is in a different situation individually, " said the Frenchman.

虎恶猿狡的性格,法国人兼而有之。此处借用。There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman.

在一份相关新闻报道中,环绕埃菲尔铁塔周围两英里的每一个法国人都说“我投降!”。And in related news, every Frenchman in a two-mile radius said "I surrender! ".