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大宗商品价格涨跌互现。Commodity prices were mixed.

好域名是一种罕见的商品。Good domains are a rare commodity.

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曼纽尔•基罗斯在墨西哥城是个有名气的人。He is a hot commodity in Mexico City.

只有廉价的工作才能够外包。Only commodity work can be off-shored.

她管理日用品部门。She supervised the Commodity Department.

商检工作那么简单。The commodity inspection is no easy job.

你好,欢迎光临浙商小商品网。Hello, Welcome to Zhejiang Commodity Net.

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它是我们无法复得的商品。The one commodity that we can’t get back.

商品的质量好才能有销路。Commodity with good quality can be salable.

生长势旺,商品荚率高。Vigorous plant growth, good commodity rate.

商品总库存量增长了百分之四点五。Total commodity stocks grew by 4.5 per cent.

日用品、食品、工业用品等。Commodity , Foodstuff , Industry Supplies Etc.

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农民房不属于商品房。Farmer room does not belong to commodity house.

吉林省是中国主要的商品粮生产基地。Jilin is also China's key commodity grain base.

机器体系的两重性与商品经济。The duality of machinery and commodity economy.

花白头发的期货专家吉姆·罗杰斯确实是这样做的。Grizzled commodity guru Jim Rogers certainly is.

如何区别全球价值链和全球商品链呢?How do GVCs differ from Global Commodity Chains?

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对于商品服务,也许这不能算是问题。For commodity services, this may not be an issue.

商品瓜籽小,耐贮运。Commodity melon seeds small, good shipping quality.

口感好,品质高,商品性佳。Taste good, high quality, commodity nature is good.