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节俭是美德。To practice thrift is a virtue.

在旧货店买二手礼物。Buy used gifts at thrift stores.

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逛二手商店。and go like, thrift store shopping.

它叫做“东区旧货店”。It's called "The East End Thrift Store".

不要让节俭变成贪财。Don't let thrift degenerate into avarice.

节约成风。Thrift has become the prevailing practice.

我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。We must not equate thrift with stinginess.

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在旧货店,货物的价格通常也是很低的。Prices at thrift stores are often lower, too.

而农场主是深谙价值和节俭之道的。And farmers know a lot about value and thrift.

在一个小店里买的这件蛇纹上衣。Bought the snakeskin blouse in a thrift store.

他的成功在于他的勤奋与俭朴。His success was due to his industry and thrift.

汉文帝崇尚节俭。Emperor Wendi of the Han Dynasty advocated thrift.

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这使我疯狂,但是我喜欢在廉价旧货店购物。Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores.

俭朴。花钱须于人于己有益,即不浪费。Thrift. Money is required to do good, in which waste.

你可以推荐一些好的旧货店吗?Could you recommend some good thrift stores in London?

我喜欢二手店和可爱的、小小的独立精品店。I love thrift stores and cute little independent boutiques.

我的意思是,我穿的衣服一半是从二手店买的,I mean, half the clothes I'm wearing are from thrift stores,

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节俭是能让你抓紧辛苦挣来的美元的有趣途径。Thrift can be a fun way to stretch your hard-earned dollars.

字母间的空间表明节俭和紧张的程度。Space between letters indicates extent of thrift and tension.

大卫多数衣服都是折扣店和二手店淘来的。He buys most of his clothes at bargain racks and thrift shops.