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这只会导致大规模的资金分配不当。The result could only be a massive misallocation of capital.

那么误读,歪曲,抑或是分配不当到底谁是罪魁祸首呢?So which was it, misperception, misrepresentation, or misallocation?

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在福朗瑟斯担心这件事可能会导致教育资源的分配不当。Frances worried this might cause a misallocation of school resources.

这种资源的错位将会导致生产率和实际工资的降低。This misallocation of resources results in lower productivity and reduced real wages.

这意味着大量的信息失真,随之而来的,有可能造成巨大的资源分配不当。This means huge information loss, and the concomitant possibility that there is a vast misallocation of resources.

你不可能以如此的规模和速度进行发展而不产生资本的不合理配置,即使是在计划经济情况下也不行。You cannot have development on such a scale and at such a speed without misallocation of capital, even in a planned economy.

在供应侧,错配拉低了增速,进而也导致货币宽松、更多错配和增长更加乏力。On the supply side, misallocations slow growth which again leads to monetary easing, more misallocation and still less growth.

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但是,传言诈骗和资源分配不均一直困扰着联合国资金评估的机制。But the United Nations mechanism for evaluating credits has been plagued by allegations of fraud and misallocation of resources.

报告指出,由于市场或社会歧视导致妇女技能和劳动的分配不当有可能带来巨大的经济损失。It notes that misallocation of women’s skills and labor due to market or social discrimination can result in large economic losses.

芮捷锐长期以来一直持看多中国的观点,他认为资本配置失衡的情况并不严重,不会真正地对中国整体经济增长造成影响。A long-time China bull Mr. Raby agreed with the proposition that what equates to a marginal misallocation of capital doesn't really matter to China's overall growth prospects.

芮捷锐长期以来一直持看多中国的观点,他认为资本配置失衡的情况并不严重,不会真正地对中国整体经济增长造成影响。A long-time China bull Mr. Raby agreed with the proposition that what equates to a marginal misallocation of capital doesn*t really matter to China*s overall growth prospects.

过度竞争是由低集中度引发的资源误置现象,它属于市场失灵,需要政府进行干预。Excess competition is the phenomenon of resources misallocation resulted from low degree of concentration. It belongs to market failure and needs the governmental intervention.

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莫瑞达令流域委员会的成员,目前正急著摆脱水资源分配不当所带来的大灾难。The members of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission are now frantically trying to extricate themselves from the disastrous results of their misallocation of the total water resource.

其后果是劳力资源的分配不均衡,而且甚至可能会减少全体工人——无论是联合会工人还是非联合会的工人——的收入。The net effect is a misallocation of labor compared to an efficient allocation, and possibly even a reduction in the income received by workers as a whole, including workers in the non-union sectors.