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我好喜欢雷鬼乐。I love reggae music.

他们的音乐是雷鬼和嘻哈风格的组合。Their music is a cross of reggae with hip hop.

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该查询返回所有瑞格舞曲唱片的标题。This returns all the titles of the reggae CDs.

巴布·马利是雷鬼乐不可缺少的灵魂人物。Bob Marley was the sine qua non of reggae music.

世界最大的雷盖音乐节日在牙买加。The world's greatest reggae festival in Jamaica.

雷盖音乐是鲍勃马利在20世纪70年代推广开来的。Reggae music was popularized by Bob Marley in the 1970s.

巴布马利是最知名的雷鬼歌手。Bob Marley is the most well known singer of reggae music.

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鲍勃·马利让他们首次接触到了雷盖音乐。Bob Marley provided them with their first taste of Reggae music.

牙买加或许以瑞格舞、塔法里教徒、阳光、沙滩等轻松形象著称。IT MAY have a laid-back image of reggae and Rastas, sun and sand.

它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.

我在一个瑞格舞团演奏,我很喜欢看人们跳舞和狂欢。I play in a reggae band and love to see people dance and have a good time.

雷鬼舞?很有韵律,有许多低音。很像呻吟声。Reggae? Yeah. It's just very rhythmic, a lot of bass. So it's like groaning.

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一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这让她感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her.

他总是有和年轻人在一起的时间,这也是现在雷鬼乐缺少的东西。Him always had time for the youths an' that's something missing from reggae today.

鲍勃马利所遭遇的最大的挑战之一就是将雷鬼音乐介绍给美国大众。One of Bob Marley's biggest challenges was introducing reggae to the American public.

国内唯一一支融合云南少数民族音乐的雷鬼乐团。The only Reggae band integrating the music of some minority groups of Yunnan in China.

这个音乐的形式导致了称雷鬼摇摆乐加勒比音乐的新形式。This form of music led to the new form of Caribbean music which was called the reggae.

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雷鬼乐的内容里充满了斗争精神,这种音乐应该如此,但人则不同。Reggae is a music that has plenty fight. But only the music should fight, not the people.

街边小贩用一排麦克风倾泄震耳欲聋的瑞格舞音乐。Sidewalk vendors use banks of speakers to pour out reggae music at an ear-thumping volume.

是啊,如果雷鬼能出现在北达科他的广播中,它也能传遍各地!Yup, if reggae could make it onto the airwaves in North Dakota, it could make it anywhere!