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但这些时刻平息下来。But those moments subside.

酒渣慢慢地沉淀下来。The lees of wine gradually subside.

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肌肉痛可持续、加剧或消退。Muscle pain may persist, worsen, or subside.

云里雾里的这种感觉正在消退。The “fog of brain” is continuing to subside.

几分钟之后,淀粉开始沉淀。After a few minutes,the amylum began to subside.

首先,需要等待全球金融动荡平息。First, global financial turmoil needs to subside.

我预测,今年早春时节,食品通胀就能消退。I expect food inflation to subside by early spring.

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此时此刻,泪水无痕,我倒觉得往事趣味无穷。And now, as tears subside. I find it all so amusing.

同时,这种疼痛通常为时不长,会随时间逐渐消退。This kind tends tobe temporary and subside overtime.

蒙克斯等待着喧嚣的减弱。Mengsk waited for the din to subside before continuing.

所有的视力波动在几周内可减小。Any fluctuation will usually subside within a few weeks.

其次,为甘肃公路自然区划提供基础图件。Secondly, provide the basic photograph for natural subside.

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不必等到不安消失,纵使害怕也要踏出去。Step forward amid your fears. Don't wait for them to subside.

希望由飓风引起的这次短期危机会平息下来。Hopefully, this short-term, hurricane-induced oil crisis will subside.

最终它们在东太平洋遇到较冷的温度时下沉。They eventually subside over the cooler waters of the Eastern Pacific.

当你直面恐惧时,一切担心就会自然平息下来。When you've fully faced fear and experienced it, the fear will subside.

当你直面恐惧,适应它,恐惧就会平息下来。When you’ve fully faced fear and experienced it, the fear will subside.

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偏头痛是随着年龄发作率递减的神经系统疾病之一。Migraines are one of the few neurological disorders to subside with age.

约?埃里克?汉弗莱不动声色地站在指挥台上,等着反对的喧嚣声消退。J?Eric Humphrey stood impassively, waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside.

巴拉克则希望成立一个由美国组成的委员会,并尽量推迟和谈,以观察暴力是否会平息。Barak wanted a U.S. committee and enough delay to see whether the violence would subside.