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她非常精通音乐。She was very proficient in music.

精通者能够自我纠正。Proficient practitioners can self-correct.

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刘律师的工作语言是中文和英文。Mr. Liu is proficient in Chinese and English.

成熟的镜下操作技巧是该手术成功的关键。Also the proficient technique is the key for MED.

已臻“精通”境界的人有时会回头复查最佳实践。A proficient person refers back to best practices.

高律师操流利英语和普通话。Mr. Caldwell is proficient in English and Mandarin.

他对测量原子质量很精通。And he was very proficient at measuring atomic mass.

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焦光学术高深,精通医学。Coke Light academic advanced, proficient in medicine.

从行为上来看,有效的倾听者是富有活力,能积极作出回应的。Behaviourally, proficient listeners are dynamic and responsive.

战士熟练所有的简易武器和军用武器。Men-at-arms are proficient with all simple and martial weapons.

具有B驾驶执照,熟练驾驶技能。Possessing B-class driving license, proficient in driving skills.

牺牲和隔离的做法真的能培养“精通”的恐怖分子?Is it sacrifice and isolation that fosters "proficient" terrorism?

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请推荐两种软件开发者必须熟练使用的工具。Name two tools with which a software developer must be proficient.

巴瑞特先生不擅长诊断,更不必提研究方面。Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis, let alone investigation.

今天,只有很少的人精通分类和命名生命。Today few people are proficient in the ordering and naming of life.

游荡者擅长穿着轻甲,但是不擅长使用盾牌。Psychic rogues are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

作为一个供应商精通手工具、电动工具、园林工具。Being a vendor proficient in hand tools, power tools and garden tools.

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考生应该在技术和非技术写作精通。Candidate should be proficient in technical and non-technical writing.

学会如何运用它们和对它们精通会花费大量的时间。It takes time to learn how to apply them and become proficient with them.

擅长盾牌你精于使用小圆盾,小型以及大型盾牌。Shield Mastery You are proficient with bucklers, small and large shields.