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今天的午餐特菜是什么?What's the luncheon special today?

授奖仪式在一个午宴上进行。The presentation was to be made at a luncheon.

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我回想起我曾参加了拉舍尔的洗礼仪式,随后出息了午餐宴会。I attended Rachel's baptism and afterward a luncheon.

实际上,我得给女士们的午宴做准备。Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.

当天中午,胡锦涛出席了亚太经合组织成员领导人工作午宴。At noon, Hu attended the working luncheon of APEC leaders.

真抱歉,不过我不可不停止我们午餐的约会。I"m sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment."

午餐肉中NO、NO的分离检测获得满意结果。Determination of NO, NO in pork luncheon meat is successful.

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中午,胡锦涛出席了英国女王举行的午宴。Hu attended a luncheon hosted by the Queen later in the afternoon.

中午,胡锦涛出席了亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议工作午宴。Hu attended the working luncheon of APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.

如今素食的一代人是不喜欢罐装的午餐肉的。Today's vegetarian generations may frown upon canned luncheon meat.

周五早些时候胡锦涛设宴欢迎80多位世界各国的政要。At a luncheon earlier in the day with more than 80 world leaders, Mr.

她脸上没有那种受邀准备参加午宴的神气。She had not the air of being about to accept an invitation to luncheon.

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午餐时间逐渐临近,喧嚣之中出现了片刻安静。When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar.

午餐后他们长驱直入到教堂内,再听取导游的另一次讲座。After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture.

中午,胡锦涛出席纳吉布总理举行的午宴。On the noon, President Hu attended the luncheon given by Najib in his honor.

然而星期日午餐过后,他却借了一辆单马拉的小雪橇,向斯库特克利夫驶去。But on Sunday after luncheon he borrowed acutter, and drove over to Skuytercliff.

对于这一家人,这样得来的午餐肉,吃来更甘香可口。The boy's parents must find luncheon meat he obtains this way particularly tasty.

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然而星期日午餐过后,他却借了一辆单马拉的小雪橇,向斯库特克利夫驶去。But on Sunday after luncheon he borrowed a cutter, and drove over to Skuytercliff.

中午,胡锦涛出席苏格拉底总理举行的午宴。On the noon of the same day, Hu attended a luncheon given in his honor by Socrates.

所以,迪伦先生是否会出席五月二十九日在纽约举行的普利兹颁奖午宴,我们还不得而知。So we don’t know if Mr. Dylan will attend the Pulitzer luncheon in New York on May 29.