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用词用得真好。That's a wonderful phrasing.

小说里也出现了一些别扭的措词。The novel does contain some awkward phrasing.

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但许多卡索埃都很支持这样的表达。But many kathoeys are rooting for this phrasing.

当然,千千万万个小心,确保你的表述是清晰的。And for the love of God, make sure your phrasing is clear.

我喜欢那句“被当做会让我们分心的猛兽。”I love that phrasing. "Regarded as devils to distract us."

检查拼写,措辞和句法的正确性。C. Check for proper spelling, phrasing and sentence construction.

用语求简,也不能不讲语法和逻辑。Simplification shouldn't neglect the phrasing the and the logic regulation.

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我想起大学时代的一堂关于70年代新闻措辞的讲座。过偏了?I recall a lecture at uni in the 70s about journalistic phrasing. Bias much?

这句话深深刺到我了,感觉这不仅仅是他的一个“弱点”。The phrasing sticks out to me. Like it's not just who he is but "a weakness".

声乐准备清唱。不需要伴奏音频等等。我们需要准确听到音准。Please sing without accompaniment, we need to hear your pitch and phrasing clearly.

仔细听录音,注意语音,语调和措辞。Listen to the tape carefully. Pay attention to pronunciation, phrasing and intonation.

一开始这是很困难的,但是你练习的越多,你的句式听起来越棒。This is very hard at first, but the more you practice, the better your phrasing will become.

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但是,在这种情况下,实际建议的用词毫无必要地过分软弱。In the light of this, however, the phrasing of the actual recommendation is unnecessarily weak.

这一部分包括词法分析,语法分析,语义分析和生成目标代码四个部分。This part contains accidence analyzing, phrasing analyzing, semantic analyzing and creating aim code.

格鲁吉亚最初反对法俄的用词,这条随后作了修改。Complication This paragraph was changed after Georgia objected to the original Franco-Russian phrasing.

萨尔皮特建议,表述时将你设定为一个追求挑战,能快速得到结果的人。Salpeter suggests phrasing things in a way that sets you up as a challenge seeker who gets results fast.

首先,要成为一个好的语言学习者,我们应该对语法的了解应该透彻。First, to become a good language learner, we should should be very clear to the understanding of the phrasing.

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检查拼写,措辞和句法的正确性。确定代词清晰地指代了相关名词。C. Check for proper spelling, phrasing and sentence construction. Be sure that pronouns clearly refer to nouns.

为此,你应避免使用过于夸张的单词,弃用长句子并且避免含糊的表述。To that end, you should avoid using big words, steer clear of run-on sentences, and avoid any unclear phrasing.

本文拟就铜仁方言与普通话相比存在大量重叠式名词这一特殊语法现象进行探索。Tongren dialect has a great deal of reduplication noun, this text research into the special phrasing phenomenon.