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狼为什么嚎叫?Why do wolves howl?

狼群撕咬绵羊。Wolves worry the sheep.

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狼能活多久?How long do wolves live?

于是,狼给了它们一条理由。So the wolves gave them one.

为什么肯定狼嗥?Why do wolves howl for sure?

狼队人们危险吗?Are wolves dangerous to people?

你住的地方可有饿狼吗?Are there wolves where you live?

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四面八方都能听见狼嚎声。All around we hear wolves howling.

狼群会把一只羔羊撕成碎片。Wolves will rend a lamb to pieces.

这里满街都是狼啊。This place is crawling with wolves.

我们同进攻的狼群搏斗。We battle withthe attacking wolves.

狼群在远处嗥叫着。Wolves are howling in the distance.

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当亻死去时,我们又变狼。When man dies we become wolves again.

“不开,不开,就不开!”三只小狼说。"No, no, no! "said the little wolves.

人类和狼都是群居动物。Humans and wolves both lived in groups.

我期待,他们也会那样管理灰狼。I expect they'll do the same for wolves.

我们是弱小的羊,而你们是狼。We are the sheep and you are the wolves.

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我有时在夜间听见狼嚎。Sometimes I heard wolves crying at night.

一群狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck.

首先,我们看到的是豪猪和狼。First, we see is the porcupine and wolves.