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埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。Aunt Emilie darned old socks.

罗默是真他妈的对极了。Romer is pretty darned right.

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这该死的搜索框在哪呢?Where is that darned search box?

您要织补还是要贴补。Do you want the hole patched or darned?

他的袜子一补再补。His socks had been darned again and again.

我的袜子已经一补再补。My socks have been darned again and again.

丹德不情愿地点点头,离开了房间。Darned nodded reluctantly and left the room.

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玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks.

我们的摄影室真的需要苍蝇吗?Do we really need flies in the studio too?Darned bugs!

然而,一些实践在大多数情况下是非常好的。However, some practices are pretty darned good in most cases.

我说剪贴-粘贴一张猫图片是随口开玩笑的,但是,要是您没这么干,那我一定是见鬼了。I was joking about the cut-and-paste kitty, but darned if you didn't do it.

这是该死的谦逊和容易到达的范围内准备好您的网上最喜爱的电影。It is darned unassuming and within easy reach to ready for your favorite movies online.

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因为不能消除下划线,我不能继续制作图片菜单。I’m not turning the darned menus into images just because I can’t remove the underline.

“我对小菲的印象一直是他在一垒守备上有相当突出的表现”,托老说。My recollection of Philly is pretty darned good over there at first base, " Torre said."

要知道,如果美国富人中的2万人在这样做的话,这会是非常令人尴尬又厌恶的。After all it would be pretty darned embarrassing if 20,000 of America’s richest ended up doing time.

他们穿着肉色的紧身衣,衣上会有皱折,也能看得见他们的胳膊肘上用白线缝补的地方。They wear pink tights that go all in wrinkles, and you can see where their elbows have been darned with white.

也许正是照料孩子这种枯燥的工作,给人类提供了弄清楚怎么使用那些可恶扫帚的机会。The unglamorous work of caregiving may give human beings the chance to figure out just how those darned brooms work.

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官方对推迟发布的理由是,有一个部件缺货,哪个部件那么难弄到?!The official reason for the delay is a parts shortage, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what part would be hard to get.

陈鲁豫送给他作为出席嘉宾的礼物是什么?是一个着中国传统服装、酷似盖特纳的泥塑财神。Chen's gift to him for appearing on the show? A doll with Geithner's likeness darned in the cultural costume of the god of wealth.

然而我必须说,母亲是如此优雅有理,仁慈的定义这那两款类型。也许她仅仅是希望教训会最终抹掉。And I must say, Mum was pretty darned lenient defining those two categories. Maybe she just hoped that the lesson would rub off eventually.