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中脑动脉在表面形成的吻合,平均每例为3.6支。There are 3.6 anastomose branches in each midbrain.

所有研究对象均取双侧颞叶及中脑数据。Data of both temporal lobes and midbrain were collected for analysis.

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腹侧被盖区是存在多巴胺神经元的中脑神经核团。The VTA is a nucleus in the midbrain where dopamine neurons are located.

生长抑素在中脑、延髓、脊髓、胸腺中显著增高。The content of SS is enhanced in spinal cord, medullary bulb, midbrain and thymus.

它是由于中脑塞梅林氏神经节中的神经细胞死亡导致的。It is caused by the death of nerve cells in a midbrain area called substantia nigra.

目的探讨生后锰接触对小鼠中脑被盖相关核区发育的毒性影响。Objective To explore the poisonous effects of manganese exposure on midbrain development in mice.

帕金森氏病的典型特征是中脑某些区域的多巴胺神经元的死亡。Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons in areas of the midbrain.

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缰核是联系边缘前脑和低位脑干的枢纽。Habenula has been regarded as the major link between forebrain structures and midbrain raphe nuclei.

事实并非这么简单,他说,因为这两个系统存在通过中脑多巴胺神经元的连接。The story is not so simple, he says, because these two systems are connected via the midbrain dopamine neurons.

我们在狗体内利用立体定位进行中脑电刺激,产生诱发发声。We tried to use stereo-taxic electrical stimulation in the midbrain in anesthetized dogs for eliciting phonation.

电刺激中脑导水管周围灰质及伏隔核有显著制痫作用。A marked antiepileptic effect was observed during stimulation of periaqueductal gray of midbrain and N. accumbens.

在其他一些情形中,人们也许不能有效控制他们的中脑导水管周围灰质和其他的中脑部区域。In other cases, people may not be able to keep their periaqueductal gray and other midbrain regions under control.

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结果黑质致密部中脑脑片可见典型的多巴胺神经元形态,小胶质细胞呈典型的静息状态。Results The typical dopaminergic neurons were observed at substantia nigra pars compacta in midbrain brain slices.

安静大鼠中脑内去甲肾上腺素与5-羟色胺的偏相关有显著性。The partial related coefficient between NE and 5-HT levels in the midbrain of the sedentary group was significant.

这些结果支持这样的看法,即中脑多巴胺神经元编码感觉的以及认知奖赏。This result supports the notion that midbrain dopamine neurons are coding for both primitive and cognitive rewards.

当我们察觉到危险临近,大脑的活跃区域通常会自前脑转至中脑。As we perceive predators getting closer, our brains normally make the switch from the forebrain to the midbrain regions.

其中一组神经细胞从杏仁体投射到中脑及脑干当中控制自主神经系统的部份,属于演化上古老的构造。One set of nerve cells projecting from the amygdala reaches evolutionarily ancient parts of the midbrain and brain stem.

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远古时的人类一旦遇到威胁就需要立即决定战斗或逃走,长久以来我们的脑也适应了这种模式。The midbrain is our body's ancient fight-or-flight response system that kicks into survival mode whenever it perceives a threat.

伏核联系纤维内侧部主要走向终纹、丘脑、大脑水管周围和中脑腹侧。The main trend of medial part of NAcp was to the stria terminalis, thalamus, the place around cerebral aqueduct, and ventral midbrain.

同理,自受体告诉中脑何时开始生产多巴胺或停止生产,这将取决于大脑里此时此刻已经有了多少这种化学物质。Similarly, the autoreceptors tell the midbrain to start pumping dopamine or stop, depending on how much of the chemical is already around.