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他便在幻影论坛上发出了招募黑客的帖子。He issued the card of recruit hacker on illusive forum.

否则我们一直在这梦幻的世界里追逐泡影。Otherwise, we are "Chasing the Wind" in this illusive world.

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穿上它,我光芒万丈,成为这冥想世界里最美丽的妖精。Put it on, I'm the most beautiful fairy in this illusive world.

这种认知带来的感觉就像是那些“额外”存在的像是你的幻觉。That sense of knowing that there is something more is illusive.

本公司拒绝承做虚假广告。We refuse to partake in the production of illusive advertisements.

受著名的2D视错觉绘图启发而设计的书架。Inspired by the famous 2D drawing of the optical illusive bookshelf.

折射之后的幻彩刺目得让人眩晕。The illusive color by refraction glares so much that make me feel dizzy.

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亲密是一种有魔力的难以言状的东西,没有她,爱就会枯萎。Intimacy is that magical, illusive something, without which love comes a real cropper.

飘舞的飞天,将梦幻佛国变成生机的世界。The flying waving in the wind, turn the illusive Buddhism country into the vigorous world.

法律意识形态可以分为科学的法律意识形态和虚假的法律意识形态。Legal ideologies can divide into scientific legal ideologies and illusive legal ideologies.

桃符在长期的流变中带上了几分神秘和虚假,但它的根基是真实的。Though it is a bit mysterious and illusive after historical change, its groundwork is true.

不管我们做什么,都不能找到内在的和谐,从而使我们的任何努力看起来都那么虚幻和不真实。No matter what we do we can’t find that inner balance that almost seems illusive and unreal.

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幸福的原因看起来是虚幻的,因为高兴是一个为其他人服务的双向产品。The reason that happiness can seem illusive is because it is a bi-product of serving others.

玩世不恭的人可能会说这只是一种权力的转移,但在名利动力学中,现实总是虚幻的。Cynics might say that's a devolution, but in the dynamics of fame, reality is always illusive.

如果我们仔细的观察我们的体验,我们将了悟那也一样是虚幻及无可执的。If we observe our experiences carefully, we willrealizethat it is just as illusive and ungraspable.

可今天回想起来,那个梦想多像天上的云彩,美丽却缥缈。However, when I recalls it today, that dream is like the cloud in the sky, which is beautiful but illusive.

李白的极大极远的政治理想,只是一种诗文中的政治,是虚幻的政治理想。The great political ideal of Li Bai is only a kind of politics in poem, which is an illusive political pursuit.

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他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称作文盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive.

我相信这一点,但为什么我们需要把它,作为课程的基本前提,而不说'改变是虚幻的“I believe that and why do we need to have it as a basic premise of the course, '?" as opposed to change is illusive?"

极少数中国人所想像的由人民通过投票来选择领导者的一种妄想中的制度。Democrazy is an illusive system that a handful of Chinese fantasized the leader of the country is decided by election.