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这使他受到尊敬。This obtained him respect.

要了解这些数字是如何获得的。Know how they were obtained.

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那件布罩衫,他是从什么地方得来的呢?Where had he obtained that blouse?

并获得了效果理想的复合乳浊釉。The ideal opacity glaze was obtained.

获得的结果必须加以校核。The results obtained must be checked.

矾土中含有什么金属?Which metal is obtained from bauxite?

他获得了建筑学的学位证书。He obtained a diploma in architecture.

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甲得的是鼻癌,乙长的是鼻息肉。A obtained are B nasal polyps are long.

赢得了多少情侣的山盟海誓。And obtained numerous pledge of lovers.

我船位置已通过台卡获得。My position has been obtained by Decca.

不费力气是什么也得不到的。Nothing can be obtained without effort.

我们得了一笔政府贷款。We obtained a loan from the government.

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他靠辛勤劳动而致富。He has obtained his wealth by hard work.

他通过实践获得了经验。He obtained experience through practice.

他弄到几本新书,起劲地读起来。He obtained some new books and waded in.

而这是现在获取的总价值。And this is the value currently obtained.

同时保证了大量程和高精度。Big range and high accuracy are obtained.

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这就是如何获得最终产品的过程。That’s how the final product is obtained.

发现了卷积的一个新性质。A new theorem of convolutions so obtained.

表1中所列出的是所获得的数据。In the table1 arelisted the data obtained.