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它有更广泛的意义。It has a wider significance.

这没有好战的意味。It has no warlike significance.

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那么其中的意义是什么呢?And what was the significance of that?

优生学具有生物学上的意义。Eugenics has a biological significance.

我认为这消息具有重大意义。I attach great significance to the news.

赏识小的改变的重要意义Recognize the significance of small moves.

它依托的价值信念是什么?What is the significance of the Philippic?

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此事件统计上的意义经公式计算得到16.40。The significance is calculated to be 16.40.

每个事物都有一个更广泛的意义。Everything should have a wider significance.

“曼海蒂”有其文化及社会意义。Mehndi has cultural and social significance.

小岗村几乎算是一个图腾。Xiaogang has an almost totemic significance.

这一工作的真正意义目前远未明晰。Yet the true significance is far from clear.

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第二部分——研究商业零售口岸选址的意义。The second part---- the significance of BRLC.

我们认为他的声明毫无意义。We attached no significance to his statement.

儒学于当前有何现实意义和价值?。What is its realistic significance and value?

我也不认为这具有很重要的道德意义。And I don't see a lot of ethical significance.

甚至,南溪这样做有没有意义?Are we even sure that there is a significance?

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在此需要注意一个具有重要意义的细节。This is a Beltway detail of major significance.

此次亵渎神明的控告的意义在哪儿?What is the significance of a blasphemy charge?

拜读御书的意义是什麽?What is the significance of reading the gosho ?