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然后,事情变得麻烦起来。Then things get messy.

所以,对,埃及非常混乱。So, yes, Egypt is messy.

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书桌整洁还是零乱?Is the desk messy or neat?

正剃须的我那时真的很狼狈。I’m rather a messy shaver.

糊涂虫。散乱的,老是迟到。A slob . Messy. Always late.

国家在他手里一定会误事的。Country must be messy in his hands.

还有一种虚拟版的“杂乱桌面”。The messy desk has a vitual version.

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现在这些照片是杂乱无章的。Now, these pictures can be a bit messy.

我把水洒在了书的上面,并把它弄脏了。I spilled water on it and made it messy.

脏乱的教室是J博士最气恼的事。Messy classrooms are Dr. J's pet peeves.

看疏雨,凌乱着发鬓,湿了衣襟。Look at the rain, messy hair, wet clothes.

从砌墙控制灰尘可以是混乱。Controlling dust from drywall can be messy.

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你们怎么能忍受得了住在这么脏乱的宿舍里呢?。How can you stand living in such a messy dorm?

这个观点很快变得离经叛道The argument quickly becomes very, very messy.

她的头发又干又乱象一束禾秆草。Her hair is dry and messy like a bunch of straw.

理财是一件琐杂的事情。Managing money matters is messy and troublesome.

谁把那堆乱蓬蓬的花插在花瓶里的?Who put that messy clump of flowers in the vase?

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他有一脸修得齐整得络腮胡和一间凌乱的办公室。He has a neatly trimmed beard and a messy office.

但实践中,这种转变大费周章。In practice the transition might have been messy.

他是否正在尝试将混乱的人生提炼成完美的韵文?Is he trying to put messy lives into perfect prose?