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礼貌不须什麽代价。Civility costs nothing.

这是一首文明礼貌歌。This is a song civility.

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他谦恭地同我们打了招呼。He greeted us with civility.

奶奶是农民,不懂得什么叫文明礼仪。Grandma is farmers do not know what is civility.

在中国,人们对文明礼仪有不同的看法。In China there's a different notion about civility.

年轻的服务员缺少知识和礼貌。Young clerks often lack both knowledge and civility.

我立刻就被用餐时间人们的礼貌震惊了。I am instantly struck by the civility of the meal time.

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友情不能无主套,但也长不了礼貌。Friendship cannot live with ceremony, nor without civility.

我能否问下为什么你对我的拒绝这么没礼貌?Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?

在这个喧嚣的世界,每个人都多少讲究一些礼仪。In our chaotic world, everyone appreciates a little civility.

这种观点成为实践中推行文明执法的认识障碍。The idea creates obstacles in enforcing the law with civility.

中国有一条古训,“礼多人不怪”。There is an ancient saying in China, " civility costs nothing ".

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我为这种缺乏礼貌的行为向总统致以诚挚的歉意。I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility.

过去我常常认为文明仅意味着母亲过去常说的“对人和蔼”。I used to think that civility just meant "be nice, " as mom used to say.

全体职员接受训练,以便在任何时候对顾客都以礼相待。Staff members are trained to treat customers with civility at all times.

霍布斯比任何人都更想让我们,重视文明的美德。Hobbes, more than anyone else, wants us to value the virtues of civility.

但事实是,我珍视日本的文明礼貌和无私精神。But the truth is that I came to cherish Japan's civility and selflessness.

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但事实表明,我来此的目的是珍视日本的礼貌和无私。But the truth is that I came to cherish Japan’s civility and selflessness.

一身素雅的颜色让活泼的女孩变得端庄、可爱!The simple but elegant color makes the lively girl civility and loveliness !

这只是巧合呢,还是真的寓示着美国文明礼仪的倒退?。Is it coincidence or really an illustration of the decline in American civility?