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一高知高专学生在学习其专业知识的同时。Kochi a high students in the learning of their professional knowledge.

记者就此采访了日本广播公司NHK的研究主管高知久保田。Well, here's Kochi Kubota, who's research boss of the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

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每次回家,我觉得像高知县已经有了不少改变,自从我上次访问。CD . Everytime I come home, I feel like Kochi has changed a lot since my previous visit.

我想至少我的一些朋友湾科技工作谁在高知县了联欢会。I was thinking atleast some of my B. Tech friends who were working in Kochi had a get-together.

此外,他还是果阿海军学院执行官,科钦反潜战学院教官。He was also the Executive Officer at Naval Academy, Goa, and an Instructor at ASW School, Kochi.

我们还追逐过路的游牧部落,他们经由喀布尔,前往北方的层峦叠嶂。We chased the "Kochi", the nomads who passed through Kabul on their way to the mountains of the north.

强台风“塔拉斯”3日在日本四国高知县登陆,其带来的强降雨给日本造成严重灾害。Typhoon "Talas" 3 in Japan Shikoku Kochi landed, it brings heavy rainfall caused severe damage to Japan.

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同年10月23日他视察了爱媛、高知两县的台风灾情后在博客中写下了上述感想。October 23 the same year he visited the Ehime, Kochi counties after the typhoon disaster wrote in a blog these feelings.

据日本广播协会报道,高知县四万十市一名老人19日下午被河水卷走失踪。According to Japanese broadcaster NHK reported, Kochi Shimanto City, an old man swept away by the river the afternoon of 19 missing.

Kochi博士以前作为全球结核规划的主任,在成功控制结核方面发挥了作用。Previously, as Director of the Global TB Programme, Dr Kochi was instrumental in bringing about the success in tuberculosis control.

深圳市科奇力电子有限公司是一家集安全防范产品研发、生产、销售、设计及售后服务为一体的专业公司。Kochi Electronic Shenzhen Co. , Ltd is a security product development, production, marketing, design and after-sales service into a professional company.

强台风“塔拉斯”3日上午在四国岛高知县登陆,其带来的强降雨给西日本地区造成严重灾害,目前死亡和失踪人数已经过百。Typhoon "Talas" 3 am in Shikoku Kochi landed, it brings heavy rain to western Japan caused serious disasters, the number of dead and missing now have over a hundred.

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当高知县民以沙滩为美术馆、沿著海岸线展设T恤艺术展的同时,打破既有观念、无固定空间的「砂滨美术馆」也就诞生了。When the Kochi people set an art museum on the sands with T-shirts along the coastline. Seaside Gallery has broken the existing perception and got rid of a fixed location.

偶然他在网上发现了高知县四万十市举行「地域振兴协力队」招募活动,对此有兴趣的他决定搬到那里居住。Accidental he found out from the Internet the kochi forty thousand, held regional revitalization together team recruiting activity, of interested he decided to move to live there.

高知县立牧野植物园现今为20公顷的多功能型植物园,它是在最近的十年间才从一个只有4公顷大的郊区植物园发展而成。The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden of today is a 20-ha multifunctional botanical garden, which was developed from a 4-ha countryside plant garden within the past ten years.