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仿古建筑是近代一种集体无意识的现象。Archaize building is a neoteric unconscious phenomenon.

我相信每个孩子都会探索出很多新鲜的方式。I believe that every child will explore out many neoteric ways.

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第一章是近代曲辞的文献学研究。Chapter one examines neoteric lyrics from documentary point of view.

近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。Neoteric china have experienced a poverty and being bullied history.

近代以来,资本主义国家在这个地区展开了“大角逐”。During the neoteric times, capitalistic countries played "Great Game" in this place.

近代期从公元13世纪到公元20世纪,即元、明、清时期。Neoteric period is from 13th century to 20th century, Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasty namely.

基督教在近代吉林朝鲜族中传播始于19世纪中叶,20世纪初发展较快。The promotion of Christianism at neoteric North Korea started in the middle of 19 century.

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任伯年是中国近代绘画史上一位成就显著而又有一定争议的画家。Ren Bonian is a significant but controversial painter in Chinese neoteric painting history.

因此,近代农民运动是中国早期现代化的主要推动力。Therefore, neoteric peasant movements are the major impetus of Chinas earlier modernization.

这样的创作成就,在我国近代音乐历史上有着十分重要的意义。All his achievements in this period are very instructive in Chinese neoteric musical history.

近代以来,中国人对于现代性政治的拒斥基本上是基于特殊主义的理由。In these neoteric days, Chinese spurn at modernistic politics, basically ground on particularism.

中国近代女子教育以欧美基督教教会在华所办学校为肇端。Neoteric female-education in China has begun with the school created by missionaries who came to China.

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要想对近代汉语介词结构进行梳理,最好的方法就是选择专书来开展。The best method, coordinate the structures of prepositions about neoteric Chinese, is the study of special books.

本文对我国近现代妇女在宪政方面的作用进行了梳理。The article attempts to neaten women's effect in constitutional campaign in the Chinese neoteric and modern times.

第二部分梳理了民族主义传入中国并在中国趋新知识分子群体中传播的过程。The second part analyse the spread of the nationalism in neoteric intellectual after it had introduced into china.

近年来,作为一种新颖的介质,室温离子液体在电化学领域的应用也越来越受到人们的重视。The recognition of room-temperature ionic liquids as neoteric green solvents has prompted a fast-growing literature.

近代中国教会学校的评价一直为学界所关注。The evaluation of neoteric Chinese church-sponsored schools has been receiving the attention of the academic circles.

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在教学中寻求新的教学方式、学习方式,已经成为教育改革发展的必之路。It is the pursuit of neoteric teaching methods and learning methods that has become the common ways of the education reform.

我们无法突破治乱循环的困境,未能自生出近代宪政的关键亦是集体行动的困境问题。The collective action's dilemma problem is also the cause key that he neoteric constitutionalism cannot be produced by itself.

把裙子取消,改穿上下连属的旗袍,这在中国近代服装史上无疑是一次了不起的革命。To wear one-piece cheongsam instead of skirts, it is undoubtedly a marvelous revolution in the wearing history of neoteric China.